Sam Fraser Part 3

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It's been a month since Deena and I became friends. She waits for me by my locker after second period each day, and then waits for me again to walk to the cafeteria together. I sit with Deena, Simon, and Kate at lunch now, which has been an eye opening experience. Much more entertaining than sitting with the cheerleaders. I didn't know Kate that well before, granted we're on the cheer squad together, but our paths just never crossed. Even with Simon, we have Algebra together, but in that class we never really talked either. The most we've spoken before being introduced to each other was when he'd ask me if he could copy my homework before class started. I hadn't thought much about any of these people a month before, but now, I can't see myself being stuck with any other three people. Especially with Deena, she's not what you expect when you meet her. You'd think she's always cold hearted and blunt, and acts like she doesn't give a shit about anyone. But with the Deena that I've known so far, she is the most genuine person I know. She is so unapologetically herself and with others, and will call you out on your bullshit whenever. The way that she is so comfortable with herself is insane to me. I look at her and I see a person who is 100% themself. Just her overall mannerisms too even. The way she looks at you when you're talking, the eye contact she makes, the way she nods after you say something important and she wants you to know that she's listening loud and clear. The way that she sucks on her lip when she's pissed or when she's just thinking is so... it's so cool. She's just so cool. She really is.

It's after school, I volunteer to stay back and gather the equipment again. It's supposed to rain today, so I have to hurry before I get soaked. I was missing a cone from my count and kept looking all over the field for it, but it was gone. I felt the rain starting, a little drizzle on my hand, and went to take cover under the bleachers. It was empty under the bleachers and full of overgrown weeds and cobwebs collecting underneath the benches. I felt the hairs on my arms tingle as the wind started picking up and a chill came by me.

"Sam?" I recognized that voice anywhere. It's Deena. She's covering herself with her green army jacket and ducks under the bleachers and meets up with me.

"Hey, it's getting pretty bad out there huh?" I say.

"Sure is. What are you doing?" She asks me.

"I was looking for something but then it started to rain, so. Ducking here for now I guess." I say, making imprints of my shoe in the dry dirt. 

"What are you doing?" I say, nudging her shoulder a little. She laughs.

"Looking for you. I thought you left without me."

"Oh, I wouldn't ever. You should know that about me." I say playfully.

"I should? Guess you're right." She says, looking down smiling. Why is she smiling? It's making me want to smile too. And I do.

"You cold?" She says as she looks up to make eye contact with me, seeing me shiver profusely.

"A little." I say, trying to play it cool. She gets next to me and sits down urging me to follow. She wraps her jacket around us to keep warm.

"Those uniforms aren't helping huh?" She says with a smirk.

"Imagine you having to wear this. Yeah, duh, it's not gonna help. Especially when it's raining." We both look up through the cracks of the bleachers, seeing the light gray sky beating down on us. I look at her, Deena still looking up to the sky and I can't help but look at her lips. The way her mouth is open, probably taking in the rain but also admiring the view so much that she can't control her mouth. I feel myself wanting to morph into her like we're one blob needing to be connected. 

Every time I look at Deena Johnson, a little part of me feels like I'm flying. In this moment, I could've flown to space.

She looks back to me with a curious grin.

"You need something, Fraser?" She chuckles out. I see her look at my lips too. Her eyes dance back and forth from my lips to eyes to lips to eyes. I know she's moving closer, but this doesn't feel like it's actually happening, but the more I think this, the closer she's getting, the closer I get to feeling her exhale on my cheek, the closer to her eyes meeting mine, the closer to our nose bumping as we turn for our lips to fit into the others -- the second now that I feel her warm hand on my piercing cold cheek, my hand feeling her jawline move with my movement and her gentle way of pursing her lips to meet mine is so subtle, but so effective in that I want more of her. We pull away to breathe but remain close, that I feel her warm breath on my lips. We both start smiling hard but cover our mouths to hide how electrified we are from that exchange. I see Deena trying to say something, her mouth open wide but nothing coming out. I think I just made her speechless.

"Um..." She laughs, "Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Jesus." She finally says.

"What?" I ask, laughing.

"It's just, I learn something new about you everyday. I liked this one the most though."

"You do?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah. For sure. Totally." She says with a grin. It's quiet for a little while. We're both still smiling hard, looking at each other every few seconds, chuckling, then repeating it over.

"Can I kiss you again?" Deena asks me, her voice sounding eager, all slow and deep.

"You didn't have to ask, you know." I say, poking fun. I see her looking down, smiling. Trying to be covert but failing adorably. I tug on her shirt and she looks up and we make eye contact again. She leans in steady, tilting her head to her right, me doing the same. I put my hands on both of her cheeks and grab her to kiss me faster. Her hands wrap over mine on her face, and we make out until the rain slowly stops.

We came out from those bleachers, with mud on our shoes, and our lips red and sore.

After I changed, we walked through the halls to the front of the school. With no one around, Deena interlocked her hand with my own and held it tight. What a feeling walking through the school holding Deena Johnson's hand. I felt like I could do anything then. But once we got to the front, she dropped my hand, and held the door open for me. I saw my mom honking the horn excessively, and I looked back to Deena who knew this was the end of our exchange for now.

"Can I call you later?" Deena says out of nowhere.
I smile and nod. "I would love that." I knew then she wanted to kiss me goodbye. I wanted to kiss her then too. I wanted to be able to give that to her, but I couldn't do it. And she couldn't either. My mom honked the car horn one final time. I waved goodbye to Deena as I ran to my mom's car. As soon as I shut the door, it started raining again. I watch Deena get smaller and smaller as we drive off, seeing her stand at the school's entrance with the green jacket we were both under thirty minutes ago. 

Sam and Deena B.S.F (Before Sarah Fier)Where stories live. Discover now