Deena Johnson Part 12

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It's a few days before Spring Formal and just now I realized I have nothing to wear. Typically, I opt out of school functions, mainly because I think they're lame and I have better things to do. But this year, Josh told me he wanted to go since it's his first year of high school and he wants the "high school experience", so naturally, I have to go too to make sure he doesn't get too shit-faced at the dance.

I'm laying on the couch, surfing through channels on this Saturday afternoon. Josh emerges from the basement, looking rough after a video game binge.

"Jesus, what the hell happened to you?" I say, sitting up.

"After a 12 hour session of gaming, no one looks pretty, Deena." He opens the fridge and lurks around for food.

"Hey, do you have a suit for the formal?" I asked.

"Not one that fits me. Last time I wore a suit was for Dad's dinner with his boss."

"That was four years ago. He doesn't even work for the guy anymore."

"Exactly. It's been a while, so no I don't have a suit."

"Well, the formal is next Friday. I was gonna go shopping with Kate and Sam today, do you want to come--" And before I could finish, Josh's face lights up and he drops the milk.

"YES! CAN I COME?" He screeches, realizing he dropped the milk.

"Yeah, just, don't act like that in front of my friends, weirdo." My face furrows at how weird he's acting, and I go back to watching my show. Josh rushes to clean the spilled milk from the floor


I drive the two of us to the local Salvation Army, meeting Kate and Sam there. I park the car and we walk into the store, seeing Sam and Kate already shopping through the racks.

"Find anything good?"I asked them. They look up and shake their heads.

"Nothing that isn't purple and a blouse. Sorry, Deena." Kate said.

"What if we split up so we look through everything faster. Sam and I will take this half of the store and you and Josh can take the other. Sounds good?" Everyone nods, Josh looking especially excited, as we go our separate ways. Sam and I start at a new rack of old suit jackets.

"What color pallet are we going for? Brown, black, vibrant?" Sam asked.

"Nothing too flashy, Fraser. I'm not trying to attract fish."

"So like, darker colors then?"

"I don't know, I'm not good at shopping." I said, getting kinda frustrated.

"What if I pick out pieces I think you'll look good in, and you try it on and see if you like it. Does that sound okay?" Sam waits for my response and I nod. She looks pleased and excited as she intensely looks through the racks.

I sit in a chair next to the dressing rooms as Sam and Kate discuss my outfits. I feel like a dad shopping with his daughters, waiting for them to hurry up.

"Wait, did I show you this dress I found? I think you'd look so hot in it, like honestly, you totally would." Kate said and Sam gushes.

"Where is it, you have to show me now!" Sam squeals and I'm tired of this banter now.

"Are you guys done yet?" They both look at me as if I interrupted the most important conversation in their lives.

"Patience is a virtue, Deena Johnson." Kate says as she hands me the pile of clothes I have to try on. "Now go put those on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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