Kate Schmidt Part 1

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7:08 PM

I put out the finger sandwiches I made this afternoon on the coffee table in the living room beside the very highly decorated Christmas Tree, shining white and gold lights I bought off of a garage sale a few years back. I grabbed the star from the box of decorations and went on my tippy toes to put the star on the top of the tree, even though the tree is, like, two feet taller than me.

"Need a hand, sweetheart?" Dad called out from behind me.

"Yeah, here. Just put it on top, but make sure it doesn't fall or swing or anything. Would hate to have the party at the hospital, getting stitches in your head, huh Dad?"

He laughed and easily put the star on the tree. If only I were a few inches taller. Too bad I got Mom's genes.

Ding Dong

"I'll get it." I quickly told Dad and rushed to answer the door. I open the door to Deena and Josh, both wearing festive holiday sweaters. Deena shoves me her gift bag my way.

"Just put it under the tree. And there's food on the table, help yourself." I said as I closed the door.

"Deena Johnson!" Dad said as he welcomed her into his arms.

"Hey, Mr. Schmidt." Deena says, gloomly.

"Been a while. Haven't seen you in forever. How's your dad?"

Deena stutters a response and looks at me and back to Dad.

"He's fine, yeah. Working late for winter break though." Deena faintly smiles and Dad nods his head to both Josh and Deena.

"Well we're glad you're here." Dad grips Josh's shoulder and shakes the kid around firmly. Dad's too friendly sometimes, it's bothersome.

"Man, you've grown up so much, son! You used to be all the way down here!" Dad puts his hand down to the floor and Josh laughs.

"I grew up, I guess." He looks down to the floor, putting his hands in his pockets. He's kinda cute when he's embarrassed. In like a brotherly-cute way, of course.

"I like what you've done to the place." Deena said while popping a finger sandwich into her mouth. Mom walks in with even more food and puts the plates on the table.

"You can thank me for that." Mom says and she jokingly eyes me. She knows I did a lot of the prep too, but we rub it in each other's faces because we're both eager and competitive. I get it from her.

"Deena, Deena, Deena. Why haven't you come by the house? Do you not like us anymore?" Mom says sarcastically and puts an arm on Dad's back. Deena quickly shakes her head.

"No, no, I-I've just been... busy... for the past few months, I guess, yeah. I-It's my fault though, I should've said 'hi' at least." Deena shoots me a look and I make eye contact but before I could break conversation, someone bangs on the door.

"I'll get it this time." Dad said as he opened the door to Simon, out of breath, holding a crumpled up bag in his hand.

"Oh, hey-- hello, sir." Simon salutes Dad awkwardly and he laughs.

"Put the hand down son, I'm not on duty anymore."

"Oh. Right." Simon said, walking in.

"Do I give this to you?" He says, pointing at me.

"Si, you weren't supposed to reveal who your person was." I said, sighing.

"Oh, that's my bad, I am so, so, super sorry." Simon says, putting his hands up in defeat. He smirks and gives me the bag anyway.

"Merry Christmas." He says with a wide smile. I roll my eyes and take the bag anyway.

"Oh, hello." Dad says out of nowhere. We all look to the door, Sam right in the middle of the way.

"This is Kate's house, right?" She asked. Dad points to me and Sam's eyes relax.

"Okay, cool. I'm Sam, by the way. I don't think we've met." Sam puts her hand out to Mom and Dad, balancing a decorated shoe-box.

"I can take this for you." Mom grabs Sam's box and puts it under the tree. Then, Sam looks at Deena, their eyes locking for a second, but both look away. Sam walks up to me, completely ignoring Deena, and grabs an ornament from the box.

"Can I help?" She asked. I nod, but look back to Deena who's off in her own world, staring at the ceiling, ignoring Sam's presence.

"We're gonna finish up in the kitchen. You kids need anything, give us a shout." Dad and Mom walk back into the kitchen. 

I lean over to Sam while I hear Simon talking to Deena and Josh.

"What the hell?" I said to Sam.

"What? What do you mean?"
"You haven't talked to her????"

"Wha- NO! Why should I?" Sam looks at me like she's making total sense when she really isn't, she's wrong.

I'm sick of this. It's so annoying, I don't understand why two people in conflict can't just kiss and make up? This is why I think relationships are pointless. I'm perfectly fine on my own. Deena thinks she needs another person to rely on, when she is strong on her own, truly. Don't get me wrong, Deena and Sam are literally adorable and I love them both dearly, but this shit has prolonged more than it should have and it better not ruin my party. But I can already tell it's starting.

I grab Sam's hand and bring her to my room.

"Kate, what are you doing?"

"Stay here." I point at her like she's a disobedient dog and lock the door. I walk back into the living room and grab Deena up from the couch just as she was stuffing her face with pretzels.

"Hey, dude!" Deena exclaims. I drag her to my room and throw her in there.

"No, I am not doing this-" I slam the door in Deena's face and lock it from the outside.

"Kate! Kate, let us out!" Deena bangs on the door.

"NO! Talk it out! I'll come back in twenty minutes. If you haven't made up then, you're staying in there all night." I go back to the living room and sit on the couch in front of Josh and Simon.

"Let's get started, shall we?" 

Sam and Deena B.S.F (Before Sarah Fier)Where stories live. Discover now