Deena Johnson Part 2

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I sat on my bed while I stared down my telephone. My leg was bouncing so fast, my heart was racing. I usually don't get nervous, and even if I were, I'm all right at controlling it. But right now, as I anticipate my phone ringing, all I can think about is the way Sam's lips felt on mine. I could get her lips tattooed on me for all I care. Suddenly I hear music blasting downstairs in Josh's room. I throw myself up and march downstairs.

"JOSH!!!" I scream, over the heavy metal playing on the tape player. Josh's on the couch, head bopping, while playing some dork-ass video game.

"JOSH!!" I belt, but he doesn't hear me. I get to his tape player, and unplug it, the music stopping.

"DEENA?! WHAT THE HELL?" Josh yells. "I was in my ZONE!"

"Like I care about your stupid 'zone'. Turn the music down, I could hear it from my room."

"Ehh!" He says, sticking his tongue out to mock me.

"Oh, very mature of you, Sir Silence." I say, walking back upstairs.

"DEENA!" He says, embarrassed.

I get to my room and I slam the door. I stand in front of my telephone and dial Sam's number. She'd given it to me a while back 'cause she'd offered to help with my homework, and said I could call her anytime. I exhale and call. The line goes for a little, until I hear the pick up, and I hear her slightly breathing through the phone. I wait to see if she'll say something, but she doesn't, so I start.

"Hey..." I say.

"Hi." She says back, with a small giggle.

"Um, so how are you?" I ask. I hate small talk but I don't know what else to say.

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'm great. Yeah, yeah."

Then, I hear shouting from Sam's end, like two people yelling at each other.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry, my-- my parents are like, going through a fit right now. I'm sorry if you can hear them. I'm using the kitchen phone, the one I had in my room got fried earlier from the storm."

"Oh. No, it's cool." I say, trying to continue the conversation. "Your parents fight a lot?"

"Yeah. It sucks. It's always loud here." She chuckles, trying to make light of her situation. But I can tell this is bringing her down.

"I'm sorry about that." Then, an idea clicks in my head. "Are you busy right now?"

"Uh, nope. Well, other than the fact I'm speaking to you. So I am busy, but... I'm busy with you."

I try hard not to giggle like a flustered idiot.

"I was thinking, maybe we could hang out? Like, we can go to the Grab & Bag and like, buy you a new phone for your room or something."

A silence overthrows the conversation. She's probably thinking it over.

"I'm in."


I pull up to Sam's house and as soon as I put the car in park, Sam's already out the front door and running to the passenger's side.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." She says as she buckles her seat belt. "Ready?"

"For sure." I say and I drive.

On the way, any second I get I try to catch a glimpse at Sam. I want her to notice me looking, and eventually she does. She smiles and shakes her head.

Sam and Deena B.S.F (Before Sarah Fier)Where stories live. Discover now