Deena Johnson Part 4

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!!!QUICK THING!!! The response to the stories so far have been incredible. Thank you to everyone who's voted or has just even continued to read my story. I appreciate it a ton. Chapters will be coming a little slower this week, but I'll continue to post at least once a day just at very late and unusual times. Thanks again everyone! Enjoy.

I lay in bed watching the rain outside from my window. Thunder crackles over and I turn to my clock to look at the time.

2:42 AM.

I sit up and turn on my lamp. I've never liked sleeping during a thunderstorm. It's not like I'm one of those weirdos that's afraid of thunder and lightning, I just hate the idea of thunder being the last thing I hear before I sleep. 

I remember being a little kid and waiting for Dad to come home after working late at one of his odd-jobs. Some nights it would be clear and quiet, others it would be loud and stormy. The nights where it was thundering, I'd wait for Dad to come home and greet me in one of his big bear hugs. He'd sit me down on the couch, wrap me in blankets, and I'd smell the sweet, tangy marinara sauce off of his clothes, or the musty smell of the car repair shop and he'd tell me about his day and how much he missed me.

Thunder claps again. Then, I hear the front door opening then closing hard. I hear heavy footsteps walking across the living room and then the TV turning on. It's him.

The familiar sound of Dad's beer cans crumpling and crackling and the sound of the beer swigging down his throat, and the lousy cough he lets out from smoking too many cigarettes is drowned out by the thunder. But in between the pauses of the thunder rumbling, I hear him. I hear him alive outside. And I wait until the thunder swallows up the reminders that my drunk father is ten feet outside my room.

I get myself out of bed despite how tired I am. I stumble to my telephone and dial Sam's number without even opening my eyes, it's muscle memorized.

"H...Hello?" Sam groggily says on the other line.

"Sam?" I say, wide awake to the sound of her.

"Why are you calling me so late? We have school today."

I wait a second to phrase what I'm about to say so it sounds right.

"Deena? What's wrong?" Sam says, concerned.

"Oh, um... The rain. It's raining." I say, fumbling my words. She laughs quietly.

"Yeah, it's raining outside. I can see that. Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know. Not sure. You know what, never mind. This was stupid, I'll let you go." I say, about to hang up. I feel like an idiot.

"No, wait. Do you need to talk?" She asks like she really cares. "Fuck it, you know, I needed to get up early anyway. You wanna come over?"


I pull up to Sam's house. I forgot an umbrella at home, so I ran to the house where she opened the door, already waiting for me.

"You're all wet!" She says in between a laugh. She closes the door once I get in and I shake my hair, water getting on her.

"You're like a wet dog, God." She says, covering herself with her hands. 

"Dude, I'm so cold." I say, shivering. She grabs my arm and leads me upstairs.

" Come on, let me dry you off. Be quiet though. They're still sleeping."


I'm wrapped in towels, sitting on Sam's bed in one of Sam's pajama shirts and shorts she gave me while she puts my wet clothes in the dryer. She comes back and quietly shuts the door and sits next to me. The thunder outside dies down as we talk.

Sam and Deena B.S.F (Before Sarah Fier)Where stories live. Discover now