Chapter 8 - Louis POV

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When I knocked on the door, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I did not expect this. Harry was tall, taller than me and Gemma. He was shirtless, showing of his six pack and strong torso. His body was covered in tattoos and he had got even more than me. His hair was down to his shoulders and wavy, swept to the side. He looked absolutely stunning but his eyes held a lot of pain and it hurt me as well. Then he slammed the door in our face and went away. Gemma was seething beside me and pushed the door open before proceeding to yell at Harry. I followed behind quietly, unsure of what to do. Gemma never yelled at Harry but then again... I never ignored Harry. I guess university was a bitch. 

Gemma yelled at Harry while he turned away, trying to focus on dishing his pasta. I tried to gauge his reaction but his head was bowed and I couldn't see his eyes. However, when Gemma called him weak, his head finally snapped up and I had never seen him so broken. His eyes glistened with tears and he seemed conflicted. Suddenly, he raced upstairs and returned with a pair of shoes, a t-shirt and his phone. He pulled on the t-shirt, wore his shoes and raced out, phone in hand, Gemma still yelling profanities at him. I calmed Gemma down and she grabbed the pasta Harry had made for himself and Anne and she began eating. I, however was worried. Something was wrong with Harry; I could see it in his eyes. Something broke him and deep down I had a feeling, I was the one who broke him. I wish I never blocked his number; I hate how much peer pressure gets to you. Look at me for example, I am not half the person I was when I left. The people in Uni killed my personality, my look, anything that made me me. Same goes for Gemma - they bullied her into hating Harry; they ridiculed her for being so kind to her younger sibling and that is why she has become this way.


Louis was taken into the university on merit and when he reached Uni, he was ready to rule the school like before. However, his expectations were far fetched while reality was harsh. When he joined Uni, he and Harry texted all the time and every one teased him, saying Harry was his boy friend and they called his outfit gay. Louis, however, didn't consider it an insult because, he had in fact been questioning his sexuality. He missed Harry way to much to be normal and started having dreams about Harry. So he approached Gemma, telling her that he probably like Harry. Gemma of course was more than glad for Louis and didn't care. However, the girls who eavesdropped on their conversation cared and word got about that Louis Tomlinson was gay. His mates on the football team ridiculed him and everyone laughed at him. He couldn't stand humiliation. No one laughed at his sassiness but instead categorized him as rude and pushed him away. So, Louis changed. He reduced his sass down to zero, gave up on the suspenders and stripes and got himself a girlfriend. He despised her but his plan was efficient and the gay rumors disappeared. Despite this, every day, he became surer he was in love with Harry. That was partially the reason he couldn't muster the courage to visit Harry and Anne for Christmas.

Gemma also had a terrible time at the start. Her friends teased her endlessly for caring for Harry so much and it affected her more than she let show. She felt as though she had to prove herself to her friends so she starting teasing and ignoring Harry. However, I am sure deep down, she still loves Harry and she will eventually melt and become who she once was. I, for one am going to bring back the sass, come out proudly and (if I haven't fucked up to bad) ask Harry out.


I was shaken from my thoughts when the door opened and Anne entered. I got up to greet her nicely but I was shocked to see tears on her face as she apologized to someone called Liam on the phone and she promised she was on her way. I was worried. What was wrong? I went to ask Anne but she shooed me off, saying she was in a rush. She ran upstairs and packed a bag which I guessed was for Harry because I heard her say, "Liam can Harry stay at Zayn and Niall's for a few days till we sort this out." 

Questions flashed my mind. Who were Liam, Niall and Zayn? Why would Harry not stay here? Where was Anne going?

However, Anne was gone before I could voice my thoughts. I turned to Gemma and she looked equally puzzled. I wonder what is going on...

OK...So how's the story so far??  I just want you guys to remember that only Niall has an idea of how Louis looks...that too pre-university....because Harry showed him pictures...So Liam and Zayn don't know how Louis and looks ok... I may use that ahead!

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