Chapter 10 - Louis POV

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I sat there in shock after Anne rushed out of the house, thoughts racing through my head. I had no idea what had happened in the past 4 years with me gone but I could tell it was not good and it was related to Harry. I tried to put together everything I knew but it was in itself too little. First Harry sees us and closes the door on our face, then Gemma yells at him and something within him breaks and he leaves the house visibly upset. After that, Anne comes into the house, tears in her eyes as she constantly apologizes to someone. She packs a bag for Harry discussing that Harry will live in someone else's house for a while and she leaves without even a greeting in my and Gemma's direction. I huffed, nothing made sense. I looked towards Gemma who was nonchalantly checking through her phone. When did my best friend become so insensitive towards her family. The old Gemma would have taken out her car and followed Anne to help her.

I was interrupted from my never ending thought when Gemma's phone rang. She picked it up with a sigh and spoke to the person on the other side. "Yes, I am Gemma Styles." Then a pause during which the caller was probably speaking. "Yes, I am Anne Twist's daughter." She said her tone slightly nervous. "Yes, yes, I am coming immediately. But - but is she alright." At this point Gemma was already standing up and pulling on her shoes while she was on the verge of tears. She let out a sigh of relief and I looked at her questioningly. She simply motioned for me to wear my shoes and I quickly obliged. By then her call was done and she told me what the call was about. "Mum - she was in an accident. A truck rammed into her car on the passengers side. She is stable but will be kept in the hospital for a while. She broke her leg, has a deep gash in her abdomen and had a slight head injury - but nothing major. The doctors also think that it would be likely for her to have a PTSD related to cars after this and she might need therapy. At the moment, they are stitching up her gash and casting her arm in a sling and then she will be alright. She gave the paramedics my number and told them to call me to the hospital. Now hurry up and let's go, I've book a cab for us."

I was in shock for a few moments and a wave of worry washed over me, hoping that Anne would be alright. However, Gemma tugging my arm brought me out of my reverie. I quickly closed the door and locked it with a pair of keys lying in the key bowl which Anne presumably forgot in her rush to leave. I then pocketed the keys and hurried down the stairs with Gemma not bothered to wait for the lift. Thankfully, the cab had arrived when we reached downstairs and we immediately asked the driver to take us to the hospital. 

Once at the hospital, we immediately inquired for Anne Twist and we were immediately given a room number. We headed to the room and were told to wait outside. Only a couple of minutes later, a doctor came out and called us. We immediately headed over and the doctor told us about Anne's condition. He reassured us that Anne was just fine and she would definitely make it through. He told us that Anne was conscious and so we headed in to meet her.

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