Chapter 2 - Harry POV

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I opened the door to my house. I switched on the lights knowing that mum would only come home later in the night at 9 pm. I quickly headed to the bathroom and took a long hot shower to ease my muscles and provide some relaxation after the exhausting day. After that, I pulled on a pair of joggers and decided to shave. However, when I didn't see any razors in the bathroom I sighed in realization. I wasn't allowed a razor and could only shave when mum was around. It was similar for any pills. I had to ask mum or one of the boys to give me a pill because I was not trusted with anything that I could use to kill myself. Though it was inconvenient at times like this when I had to shave and really needed medicine for my headache, I was still glad those things were kept away from me. I was not suicidal any longer but I still did not trust myself with any of those things.

So now with a blossoming headache, I headed downstairs to cook dinner for me and mum because cooking was one of the few stress busters I was allowed. I used to run but that too became a form of self-harm for me and I had to stop. My therapist had told me that instead of cutting, I could run to help clear my negative thoughts. However, in my case it was a bad idea because once is started I couldn't stop. I loved the pain, exhaustion and breathlessness running gave me and I collapsed a few times due to running, and had to be hospitalized. So now cooking was my safest hobby. Though cooking involved knives and fire, I was mentally stable enough to not self-harm myself.

I walked into the kitchen, still in just a pair of joggers because it was too hot for a shirt. I brought out some chicken and vegetables and I set some water to boil. I decided to make some pasta for myself and mum. I had just finished and was dishing the pasta into plates, when the doorbell rang. I wondered who it was, considering that there was still time for mum to come home and Niall was with Zayn. However, I just assumed that perhaps Mum came home early to surprise me or maybe Niall ran out of his favourite crisps. Still not bothering to pull on a t-shirt, I opened the door. When I saw the people standing in front of me, I slammed the door shut because they were the last people I needed to see tonight. 

I know you may be confused as to why Harry can't be trusted with blades or pills but bear with me... you will get to know why later on on the story...Oh and sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger...Soo any guesses who the two people are??

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