Chapter 3 - Harry POV

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The top pic is cute and all but did anyone see the t-shirts... cool right!

The two people were my sister Gemma and ex-best friend Louis. I didn't lock the door but I turned and walked back to the kitchen, praying to God that this was just an awful nightmare. However, much to my horror the door opened again and in walked a furious Gemma followed by an absolutely gorgeous looking Louis. Louis had always been gorgeous but now he had lost his slight pudge, his hair wasn't random and messy but instead gelled into a quiff and instead of his usual joggers, stripes and suspenders he was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His new look made him look hot and all the feelings of love I had tried to forget came flooding back. I missed the adorable old Louis but I wouldn't deny that this new look suited him. However, now was not the time to check Louis out. Instead, I tried my best to ignore them and finish my plating but Gemma started speaking to me. Rudely.

"Harry Styles. Why the fuck did you slam the door in our face. Just because you have grown up and gotten tattoos does not mean you can behave as though you are very mature or anything. You are just a weak baby. Remember, we always had to stand up for you in school, you still are the same weakling. Just by covering your body in ink and becoming tall, you cannot try to look strong. You still are that same baby who was shit scared to come out."

I was shocked. University had change Gemma more than I thought. While she was at Uni, I could tell that we were drifting apart as she barely gave proper answers to my texts but I never thought that it would be this bad in real life. Gemma never called me names nor was she ever rude to me. Me, Louis and her were always best friends and though they protected me because I was young and innocent, they still shared their secrets with me and treated me like I was of the same age. Gemma's choice of words hurt harder than anything. It broke a dam in my head; a dam which was blocking out the bad, dark memories of year 9 and 10. Now her words broke that dam and memories of me being bullied flooded into my mind : The endless beatings, harsh words and death threats swirled through my head.

I couldn't stand to hear more and now I needed to escape. I knew I would be breaking my record of being clean since nearly a year but I did not care. I needed an escape; I needed to run. I had promised mum that I would stop running but then hadn't she promised me that she would not make me meet Gemma and Louis till I was ready? If she broke her promise, why couldn't I break mine? I stood in my spot, ignoring Gemma and Louis, having an internal battle. The devil within me won. I grabbed a t-shirt, wore my sneakers and grabbed my phone before leaving the house. I ran and ran enjoying the burn in my lungs and the pain in my legs. I knew I should stop but I loved feeling free. I ran and ran; tears streamed down my cheeks and I recalled my past after a year of trying to forget everything. It's terrible, isn't it? I spent a year and a half trying to climb out of the hole in which I was sinking but one person's one statement is all it took to cause me to plunge back in the darkness. And so, I ran for ages memories flowing through my brain – the words which I had pushed out of my mind, the bruises on my body which I tried to forget and the pain in my heart when the people I loved the most ignored me – everything came back to me in torrents and I ran away from my problems, tears streaming down my face as memories played through my head.

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