Chapter 13 - Louis POV

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"So, you are Louis Tomlinson, hmmm, " Liam mused and I felt very small under his scrutinizing gaze.  I nodded unsure how to react. "You know, whenever I thought of the day I'd meet you, I planned to beat you up for hurting Harry," I shuddered unsure of where this conversation was heading, "But I never expected to feel sorry for you, to wonder what made you drift away from Harry. The look in your eyes, even now as I look down on you is somewhat afraid. It isn't too different from the look in Harry's eyes but of course it is much milder. And that leads me to believe that Uni treated you harshly."

I gulped and nodded, slightly shocked by how well he just read me. He practically figured out my entire story within a few minutes in my company. I was genuinely impressed. "How, how did you know? Like that's spot on." I voiced my wonder. He chuckled and said, "I have spent a lot of time with Harry and I am the one who takes him to most of the therapist meetings so I've learnt a thing or two about body language." 

"Therapist?" I questioned extremely puzzled. "Oh shit, forget I said that," Liam pleaded. I wanted to prod further but he asked, "So tell me Louis, what happened in Uni?" I would have usually argued or sassed back but instead I complied, "Ok fine but I don't know where to start. How much do you know about our past?," I asked.

"I know that you, Harry and Gemma were really close. I know that when Harry came out, the two of you supported him and defended him from bullies. I know that when you and Gemma left, Harry was devastated. For the first couple of months you guys were as close as always. Then you replied less frequently and Gemma gave one word answers. Then there came a day when you blocked Harry. So now tell me your side." 

I hummed in acceptance, then I took a deep breath and began, "Liam, considering you know so much, you'd surely know that I was mister popular in the school. All three of us were but it was majorly me and Gemma. I was the footy captain and I led us to several victories - I was the school hero you could say. Gemma was head of cheerleaders and again the princess of the school. So, I guess both of us expected Uni to be similar but boy were we wrong," I chuckled humorlessly and glanced at Liam who was engrossed in the story. "When we started Uni, I expected to continue to charm my way into my mates' hearts but no one really liked me. I don't know if you've heard but I was extremely sassy. Here everyone laughed at my sass - It was a good source of humor for everyone. However, at Uni people called me rude and avoided me. I used to be Mr. suspenders and stripes but the people at Uni were harsh. They joked about my clothes and called me gay. I didn't have friends and though I was the football captain that didn't make much of a difference. If anything I got teased more. My teammates refused to follow my orders during practice and they constantly joked about how someone as chubby as me could make it to the team. I was always used to being praised, being called a charmer. These comments were new to me and they hurt too much. So, I changed, completely. I turned to black and white clothes ; skinny jeans and t-shirts. I got rid of all my colorful outfits and gave up my individuality. I began styling my hair rather than leaving it mussed up and I worked out extra to become slim. I gave up my sass and humor and was forced to become rough rather than soft and caring. And then, after I made those changes, everything changed for the better. However, I was struggling with one thing by myself - my sexuality. After leaving this place and heading to Uni, the person I missed the most was Harry - more than my step-dad, my sisters or anyone else. At first, I blamed it on the fact that we were always together but eventually I realized it ran deeper than that. I realized that over the years I had grown to love Harry much more than a friend. Besides, I never really was one to drool over girls. So, I came to find out that I was gay and in love with my best friend. The first person, I thought of speaking to was Gems as she knew both of us so well. I told her and she obviously accepted me, agreeing that Harry and I would make a cute couple. However, some of the girls overheard us and rumors spread like wildfire. Overnight, everyone had heard that Louis Tomlinson is gay. And so, the reputation I had made for myself was destroyed. The teasing began again. Every time I was texting I'd have people peering over my shoulder. If they saw Harry's name, they'd tease me relentlessly. Finally, I gave into the pressure, I blocked Harry and dated a girl named Eleanor. She thought I loved her and I let her think so. She was a good disguise and everyone genuinely believed we were in love. My reputation was of course restored but behind closed doors I suffered like hell, I wanted to escape Uni; apologize to Harry and pray he loves me the way I love him. But then, I had no choice. So, I pretended to be someone who I wasn't, pretend to love someone who I didn't and pretend to hate Harry though I didn't. Basically, I gave into peer pressure and fucked up."

I shut my eyes tight as I felt the tears threatening to spill. I didn't know what Liam's reaction was because I didn't dare open my eyes and let out the pool of tears that was being held behind. Suddenly a force collided with me and two arms wrapped around me firmly. I realized Liam was hugging me and I returned the gesture. We stayed like that for a while because I had truly needed a hug. When Liam pulled away from the embrace he smirked, "So you love Harry?" I nodded hesitantly wondering where he was taking this now. However, a grin came to my face when he said, "Fine. I think you deserve a chance to express your feelings for Harry. Plus, don't tell anyone but I think Harry likes you more than a friend. I don't have proof but I can create fair assumptions as you can tell. Plus, Niall and him do share a secret. I think it is that he loves you. Now don't let that boost your confidence to much because first I will get you to meet Zayn and Niall. And this time you have to introduce yourself. Trust me, it will be hard. The two of them won't melt as easily as I did. However, if you can convince them that your concerns are genuine, they will definitely accept you. I will have your back and ensure they don't hit you."

"Ok" I squeaked nervously. And it was odd how the lump of anxiety in my throat contrasted with the butterflies of excitement and hope in my stomach.

Soo.. a lot of details into Louis' personal life... And Liam has warmed up to Louis...

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