The Truth.. Well Most of It

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Dani's P.O.V- I ran out of the house, and to the park. Without bringing a jacket or anything to keep me warm since it's raining. Smooth Dani! Real smooth. Running past the playground, I pushed through the bushes and trees in the woods that soon led to a small opening of a pond. Over under a big cherry blossom tree sat a bench.
As I say down, a billion thoughts filled my head.
How could they do that to me? After 5 years?! It's none of their business anyways!
Shit dani, you should've brought a coat.. Moments later voices came through the trees, pry some runners or something. "Daniella! Daniella!" A voice rang through the woods, it sounded like... Grayson. Oh fuck.
I sat there frozen, not knowing what to do. Grayson came through the trees, head moving side to side, eyes wide yet tired. Then, he looked straight at me. "Dani!" He shouted, sprinting over to me. "No! Stay away! Please!" I got up, and started running, there was a rope that swung over the pond, and a bridge right next to it. Bridge or rope? Bridge. I ain't athletic people. Running across, I can still hear Grayson behind me shouting my name and telling me to stop. Looking back, Grayson ran on to the rope and across the pond. Are you serious?! Course he's fit.. Moments later he was right in front of me, I ran into him and fell on to the ground. "Dani I'm so sorry! I was going to catch you but-" "Yeah.. Was." I mumbled. He held out a hand, offering me help. I don't need his help, swiftly I got up on my own. "Why did you run?" Gray wondered. Is he kidding or..?
"You're telling me you wouldn't run when you wake up in a house you barely remember because you're two
'Best friends forever' decided to take you there because you passed out? And then they went to dig around in your personal business? Tell me you wouldn't run, I dare you." I scowled.
"Daniella we are just trying to help!" He pleaded. Help? What great help this is. "News flash Grayson! I don't need your help! I've been able to handle my self for 5 years without you two, so how 'bout you back off?"
For a moment, he looked dazed, then shook into reality. "We're sorry! If we had known Kim was lying things would be different! We still care Dani."
That's when all hell broke loose.
"You're right! Things would be different! But here's the thing, this is fucking reality! You can't go back in time and fix things! You left me alone. You still care? That's a bunch of bullshit because if you still did care you would've asked a long time ago if I was alright or seen how I was doing. But you didn't did you. No. You did not. You shouldn't care for me anyways." Slowly, I could feel my heart shattering, even though it's already broken, it just hurts even more to say it out loud.
"Why shouldn't we care?" Grayson asked.
"Because in the end, I'm going to end up hurting you."
And I walked away, leaving him there alone in the rain.

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