Lost in the World

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Daniella's P.O.V- I walked through the front door of my house, my mom layed on the couch, passed out from drinking. Setting my bag on the kitchen counter, I take out a slice of pizza from last night. Not even 2 minutes later my dad comes stumbling in, looking higher than shit. Isn't this just fab. My dad stands at a height of 6'3, he's a pretty scary/demanding person, with his broad shoulders and scruffed face. It looks like he hasn't shaved in 4 days. Normal. He slammed the door shut, which woke up my mom. "What the hell! Can't you see I was sleeping?" She screamed. Oh no.. "Don't talk to me that way!" Dad shouted, he walked over and lifted my mom up by her hair. Piercing screams ran through the whole house. Then, he threw her against the nearest wall and started arguing. Another night full of screams, rants, punches, and drunks.. Quietly, I make my way up to my room and lock the door. I crawl into my bed and get under the covers. How could my life go so downhill..? Grayson and Ethan won't even take a glance at me.. My mom is an alcoholic and dad is a drug addict. No friends.. Is this how it's always gonna be?


"Okay sweets, I've got your towel, sunscreen, sand toys, and extra clothes you ready?" Mom said, smiling down at me. My four year old self smiling like the happiest girl in the world. "Daddy is waiting in the car, last person there is rotten egg!" Before she could even finish, I took off running towards the car. Laughter filled the air as my dad opened the door for me to get in my car seat. He buckled me up, "Nice job princess." Then kissed my forehead, and held the door open for mom. "Off to the beach!" Mommy yelled. Not much later we reached a lake, with a huge swimming area. There was only 2 boys and 1 girl with a parent. New friends! I was already in my bathing suit so I took off running to the water. "Dani wait!" Mom called, "Let her go have fun." Dad laughed and helped carry the stuff. "Hi I'm Daniella, but my mommy calls me Dani." I smile at the two boys. "Hi dani! I'm Grayson and this is my brother Ethan." They look exactly the same.. Oh well. New friends! "Wanna play with me?" I ask, giggling. They nod and we start building sand castles. "Over there is our sister Cameron too." Ethan pointed, I nodded and continued to play.

*2 hours later*

"Dani! Let's get going!" Dad yelled from the shore. "But I don't want to! I have new friends!" I cry. Ethan and Grayson pull me in for a hug. "Well maybe you guys can set up a play date sometime! But we gotta go babe." Mom called. Wiping my tears I say bye to my new friends and head for the car. Mommy wraps me around In a towel and places me in my car seat.
Soon we arrived home, I gathered up my shoes and towel and stepped out. Not even 3 minutes later, a black car shows up 4 houses down. Two familiar faces appear. "Ethan! Grayson!" I scream running towards them. They turn and look at me smiling. Together they said, "We live here now! We are gonna be best friends forever."

*end of flashback*

What happened to forever.. What happened to my happy parents, who loved each other more than anything? What happened to my two best friends? Tears start streaming down my face, and splashing on to the blankets. But it's like what everyone says..
In the end
Everyone turns out to be the person
They swore they'd never become..

Everyone gets a little lost in the world.. But not everyone finds their way back.. And I don't think I ever will..

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