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Ethan's P.O.V- "Mr.Dolan!" Instantly, I sit up, hitting my knee on the desk. "Falling asleep in class... No wonder you're behind." Ms.Landy muttered. I rolled my eyes, "Well maybe if you taught your class right.." "Ethan Dolan! You have detention! And how about you get a tutor since your failing." Not surprising she said that. "Fine. But I don't need a tutor." "I know exactly who would do so well with you! Ms. Daniella Chaper." My mouth dropped, haven't heard that name in a while.. After what happened. "But-" "No buts Mr.Dolan." Ms. Landy stated. "Fine." I mumbled. Daniella Chaper.. Haven't talked to her in 5 years.. Damn.

Daniella's P.O.V- I walked Into Geography and took a seat near the back. Setting my books down, I get out my phone and listen to music. Closing my eyes, moments later I get a tap on my shoulder. Removing my earbud, I see the one and only Kim Sanders, the queen bee of the school glaring down at me. "What?" I spit out. "You're in my seat." What? "You never sit here." I tell her. She rolled her eyes, "Well I am today. So move bitch." Right then Grayson walked in, and saw me and Kim talking. He stared for a moment and then walked to a seat by his popular friends. Kim saw me looking and smirked, she walked over to him and started flirting. Slut much?
As class began to end, Kim kept throwing paper over at me. Will she ever stop. Then, a paper airplane from her came to me, the words 'read it' were written in pen. I looked over at them, Grayson and Kim were already staring at me. Grayson.. Looking closer, Grayson looked like he had.. Sorry in his eyes? But then he caught me looking at him, and his stare turned cold. Opening the paper, my jaw dropped, tears reached the brim of my eyes. 'Bitch', 'Slut', 'Whore', 'fat', 'Ugly', 'stupid' and more were written inside. I stood up, my chair sliding across the floor. "What did I ever do to you?!" I cry. Kim and Grayson look up at me, Grayson had shocked written all over his face, Kim was just smirking. "Ms.Chaper! Detention!" My geography teacher spoke. "What? No no no I cant!" Dad would get so mad, I have to make dinner tonight for him! And if I don't.. Oh no.

Grayson's P.O.V- Why is she freaking out over detention? She looks so scared.. I knew we shouldn't have done that note! But Daniella deserved it! Right..? After what she did to me and Ethan! Soon, all my anger came back and I don't feel sorry anymore.

Ethan's P.O.V- As the final bell rang, I walked to detention. Daniella Chaper.. Wow. Walking into the detention room, I took a seat on the far right, but in the front row. Moments later, a girl walked in with her head down low. She looked up to find a seat, oh my god.. "Daniella?" Dani looked over at me, her eyes wide and jaw dropped. Instantly, she sat as far away from me as possible, shaking in every step. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. She shook her head and stared at the ground. God I miss her. But what she did to me and Grayson is not okay. Then, the principle walked in. "Detention is getting canceled today, but Ms.Chaper I do have notice that you are now the new tutor of Mr.Dolan." Dani looked up, tears in her eyes. "I- I can't." Damn right she can't. "But you will." Said the Principle, "Starting now. You may both leave." Daniella immediately got up and ran out the door. "Daniella get back here!" I sprinted out the door after her. Gaining on her, I grab her shoulder. She screams out in pain. "I'm sorry I didn't-" "Its fine." She grumbles, and keeps walking. "Shouldn't you be tutoring me?" I smirk as I catch up. "I can't today.." Daniella trails off. "And why not? Got another guy to makeout with?" She stopped and looked at me. "Excuse me?" "You know what you did." At first she looked confused, "I don't have time for this." "You never had time for us." I mutter. "You know what? Ethan I will tutor you. I'll tutor you on friendship. Walk." I did as she told and we started heading for the park. Once we made it to the swings, I burst out the question, "Why did you lie to me and Grayson?" She looked up at me, her bright green eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, it was just complicated-" "How hard was it to tell me and Gray that you wanted to hang out with Dylan? But no, you just had to lie to us."

Daniella's P.O.V- Wait what? Sure I had a crush on the one and only Dylan Tanner but I could barely speak two words to him. "What are you talking about?" "Back in 5th grade, we asked you to hang out with us on the Fourth of July, and you said no. But then we went to the park and Kim was there, we told her what happened and she said she found you under a tree with Dylan making out." Is that what they think what happened? "You're fucking kidding me right? Ethan you knew I could barely speak a word to him! Let almost kiss him! And Kim Sanders? She's always hated me, you both knew that!" Ethan looked at me for a while.. "Then why wouldn't you hang out with us?" His voice cold. "I can't tell you.." I whispered. "And why not? Because you actually were with Dylan?! What happened to forever Daniella?!"

That's when I broke.

"You know, I've been wondering the same thing! If you guys weren't so blind by the popularity you would have seen how downhill my life went! How I slowly stopped hanging out with you guys?", I stood up, "My dad turned to Drug addict! I had to keep the house together, and I defiantly didn't want you or Grayson seeing that! My mom? Yeah, she turned to alcoholic! Why can't I tutor you? I have to cook dinner for my dad before he gets home, the house has to be spotless or else something will happen! So how about, you shut the hell up before even saying or thinking I turned into a slut."

Tears were rolling down my face, my body growing tired.

"Dani, I had no idea-" He started. God my head.."Don't start that bullcrap with me! Maybe if you asked 5 years ago what happened, I would still have you guys as friends! Case you haven't noticed, I walk the halls by myself, Kim Sanders controls my school life! I'm alone! And don't you dare call me Dani, you lost the right." "Are you alright? You look sick.." Ethan got up slowly and grabbed my hand. My eye sight started getting blurry, black dots appeared. "Ethan I am fine-"

Ethan's P.O.V- Then she passed out right to the ground, her books falling out of her bag. "Dani! Oh shit.." Gathering her books, I slide them into her bag, I put on her bag and pick her up bridal style. Luckily, we were 5 minutes away from my house. "It's gonna be okay.." I whisper. Moments later it started raining. "Are you kidding me!" Groaning, I walk faster. Walking through the front door, Mom is sitting at the kitchen table, she turned and looked at me as I walked passed. "Ethan what the- Is that Dani?" She smiled, but then her face grew with worry. "Yes. Please get her some clothes. I don't know what's wrong, she was talking one minute and then she became unconscious.."
"Just give her some time." Mom smiled slightly. Soon Gray walked through the door. "Hey Ethan, why didn't you come to the-" He stopped. "Gray don't freak out.." Grayson came up to me, and grabbed me by the ear, dragging me to his room. "What the hell is wrong with you! Why is she here?!" "Gray, she didn't make out with Dylan back in 5th grade." "What?" "Long story short, Dani is my new tutor and we got to talking. Everything Kim told us was a lie." I told him. "How do you know?"
" Daniella's parents turned to drug addicts and alcoholics." Grayson's face dropped, "You're kidding?" "I am not, remember at the beginning of 5th grade she slowly had to stop hangin out with us? Her parents ruined her. Haven't you noticed now that she would sit by herself at lunch and walk alone everywhere? Gray, WE left her." I sat down on his bed, head in my hands. "Oh my god.." He muttered.

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