Chap 35; Fight until death

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"I never thought it would come to this, but until death do us part I guess"


⚠️ wounds, blood, violence, war, death, murder, cuts ⚠️

Acasea drags her fingers over the smooth, shining black metal.

The little sunlight coming from the opening of the tent shines down upon the armor, laying on the table, and Acasea admires its beauty. She should really hurry right now. Almost everyone is ready, some even out on the battle field. But ever since yesterday, things have been moving in slow motion for Acasea. She hasn't really spoken a word since her conversation with the general, and for good reason.

Helga. Helga. Helga.

It keeps repeating in her head like a mantra. Her mate Helga is the rightful leader of the Earth clan, she's not. Helga deserves to be leader, she's just a false heir. Acasea doesn't know whether to feel happy for her mate, or absolutely destroyed that her future is practically false and ruined, or angry that her father kept this from her. She doesn't really have the will to fight anymore. Not under the orders of someone who isn't meant to be a leader. Worst case scenario, he killed Hopea. Acasea feels dread in her stomach. What if her father killed her mates father? How can she ever move on from this?

But like always, Acasea keeps a cold face and keeps going on. She can't show anyone that something is bothering her, no matter how big. They all treat her with respect on this war camp, because she has earned it, through hard work and disciplined actions, as well as no mercy and being evil to the bone. No emotions can touch her. So Acasea picks up her newly polished swords and puts on her last piece of simple armor, only over her chest and back, and leaves the tent.

Outside smoke and dust lingers in the air. The battle field is only a few steps away from their camp, behind the forest. It's a big place, the same place they fought before, where tens of thousands of soldiers from three different places fight to win. Currently it's a fight between angels and demons, as the white winged beings have finally managed to break the shifters blockades and made a frontline against the demons, but of course the shifters are joining the battle, trying to stop them both. The shifters only goal is to get the war away from their land. This is the shifter dimension, and it rightfully belongs to all the supernaturals, mostly shifters and witches, that live here. Not the demons and not the angels.

Acasea actually agrees with them. But she also knows that it's important to keep the angels away from the shifter dimension, because if they expand, the demons will have a way smaller influence in the universe. She doesn't want to continue this war anymore, not after what she found out about Helga, and overall she is too exhausted from the pain of loosing her mates to continue. But Acasea is also a stubborn and determined demon, and she doesn't see any good in leaving her fathers side at the moment.

Finally the battlefield comes into view. This time Acasea goes without backup, because she realized that they were only slowing her down last time. The battle two days ago was only between shifters and demons, and barely half of the troops were even there. But now it is proving to become the height of the war, as each of the three sides are bringing ten to twenty thousand soldiers with them. It's a mess out there, and Acasea immediately coughs at all the dust. To refrain from killing one of her own, Acasea relies on her sense of smell to find the enemies scents. Any vampire or demon is most likely an ally, whereas any shifter, witch, Moonwitch, potential human, hybrid, and obviously, angel, is an enemy. Secretly Acasea is also looking out for any familiar scents, like her friends, or more urgently, her mates.

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