Chap 7; Adventurous

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"Two out of four"


⚠️ blood, fear, threats ⚠️
"An adventurer doesn't get lost"

Helga looks around the wild market place, the portal right behind her. Just as she opened her eyes in the new and unfamiliar environment, she is hit by thousands of smells and colors and sounds. Before she had never met any kind of supernatural, maybe seen them on a tv once, but now she stands in front of thousands of shifters, witches, vampires and demons moving about.

"An adventurer never gets lost, because an adventurer is always in unfamiliar territory"

The blond haired girl looks around, hiding herself further into her dirty hoodie, dragging the hood over her head. Maybe nobody will realize that she's a human, although there are a few humans here as well, buying things from the market. It's a variety of raw meat, fruits, vegetables and plants as well as blood and valuable items. Helga hugs her bag closer to herself and slinks into the crowd of a few humans and many supernaturals, navigating through the shouts and chattering.

Above the booths of different stores stand tall and luscious trees move with the wind. Helga looks up at them with wide eyes. At first she lived in the cold north, and then in the dirty big city. No trees grew around her, and now it seems like there are only trees and cottages and lakes and mountains. The air feels fresh, Helga breathes in deeply and feels her lungs take a break from the usually poisonous city air. She walks further and further away from the market place and loophole city, towards one of the many huge and deep forests. It will be a long journey, but in the end, Helga knows that there is no turning back.

She bumps into person after person, slightly scared of getting killed, as the supernaturals could end her life with a snap of their finger. Hugging her hoodie closer, clutching her bag and looking down, Helga manages to escape the crowded place and walk straight into the forest, despite her tall form. Or maybe it was exactly her tall and strong body that made her fit in with the supernaturals. Walking down a muddy path into the deep forest, Helga comforts herself with the knowledge that the road seems to be a common route for travelers. Getting lost in the big forest would mean getting lost forever, no matter how good of an adventurer Helga is.

She tramples on, through muddy roads, rocky paths and fallen trees. She passes pack after pack, ignoring the names of the packs written on the wooden signs by the road and just continuing on. Time and time again Helga sees glittering lakes, tall treetops and bushes with berries that she picks. This isn't the first time Helga has been walking long distances alone, not knowing where to sleep for the night or where she is going. Something is calling her, she just doesn't know what it is. Helga has never gone anywhere without a plan though, and each moment is nerve wracking.

When the night falls and the white moon glimmers in the night sky, Helga begins to search for cover. She is hungry and tired, legs aching from walking for so long and fingers cold. By the looks of it, she'll have to sleep outside, protected by nothing. Helga doesn't know much about the terrain of this dimension, the shifter dimension is only similar to the human one, not the same. Who knows what animals could approach her in the time of her sleep. Biting her lip in thought as she walks, Helga wonders what to do.

Finally it seems like there is only one safe choice. High above in the treetops, that's where she'll sleep.

So Helga begins to look for a perfect place to sleep, craning her neck to move her vision upwards. She spots a perfect tree by a small lake, advancing towards it with tired and sore limbs. Helga takes a strong grip around the first branch, hoisting herself upwards and gripping onto the bark with her feet. Despite her tiredness, she climbs high enough for no predators to reach her, staying put on a strong enough branch.

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