Chap 1; Creation story

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Once upon a time, in a world far far away....


⚠️ this whole book contains spoilers from the first book ⚠️

Our story begins with the first story ever written, the tale of the Gods.

Long before mankind was ever created, there were only four beings in the entire universe. Since they were alone in the universe, they also controlled everything, which was nothing at the time.

The first God was the eldest, and the one to grow bored of the emptiness before the others. Through playfulness and glory he created the skies, making him the God of light. The heavens were beautiful. It was a dimension built out of clouds and sunshine, only purity shining through. It was truly the greatest creation, because it was the first. The God of light was very proud of his dimension and bragged about it loudly to his siblings, them still choosing to live in darkness.

The second brother grew angry and jealous of his elder brother. The two always quarreled about everything and disagreed on the matter of purity and righteousness. The second brother believed darkness to be the good, and light to be the bad.

Out of pure spite he grew his own dimension, raising rocks and ground from nowhere. He became the God of the earth, and his dimension was dark and harsh. The earth dimension, that later became known as the demon dimension, was brutal and arguably not as pure as the God of light's world, but it was quite something indeed. The god of Earth didn't seem to learn from his brothers actions and bragged about it loudly, becoming more and more distant from his brother.

The third sibling was torn between his two elder brothers. He didn't know which dimension was more pure and righteous, but he loved both of his brothers equally. He was kind but naive and tried to figure out how they could compromise. The two brothers didn't want to listen to him as he suggested his ideas, so he decided to show them instead.

Out of nothing but darkness he created water, raising it up and into his own dimension. He became know as the water God, the most naive yet kind of all the other Gods. With excitement he showed his quarreling brothers his new creation, only to revive laughs instead of praise.

The God of the earth wondered why there was no ground, no rock to stand on. The God of Water grew embarrassed and allowed his brother to raise the ground from his water, but leaving most of the see-through liquid where it was. When the dimension was ready he grew exited again and showed his brothers his creation, only to receive laughter instead of praise yet again. His eldest brother wondered why there was no sky to gaze upon.

The God of water grew embarrassed like before, and allowed his brother to raise the skies above his water. Now his water turned blue and his ground was stable enough to stand on. His brothers accepted his hard work and moved on, forgetting to praise the God of Water. He grew angry but left it on the inside.

The fourth sibling was not a God, but a Goddess. She was the youngest of the four and often forgotten, left to grow in her own neglect and jealousy. Years passed and she watched her brothers worlds grow, becoming more and more complex and beautiful. Sadness grew in her heart once she realized that she was still too young to create anything like her brothers could.

The God of light was easily bored. After a thousand years in silence his own dimension once again grew empty and lonely, his siblings not being entertaining enough anymore. He wanted to create something new, something that he wouldn't grow bored of so easily.

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