Chap 38; Dawn Witch

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"If everyone else can't, I'll be the one to save her life"


⚠️ blood, wounds, surgery, dying, mentions of murder, exhaustion ⚠️

"I'm sorry for


"Me too"

It's a quiet morning. Acasea hasn't had one of these in a long time. A morning where heavy and deep thoughts don't plague her mind, a morning where the sun shines through the open tent doors and the air is soft and warm. Outside, people are talking with positive and chirpy voices rather than solemn and angry ones, despite the war. The wind is nothing but a soft breeze that shakes the leaves above, and the clouds float by silently on the bright blue sky.

Acasea didn't know how much she missed the peace and silence until it was given to her again. Of course, she wishes for better circumstances, but what can you do? There is a war going on after all. The peace and silence is dreadfully only temporary, and soon the screams of battle will echo far into the night. The birds will fly away in panic, the clouds and the sky will be blocked by a curtain of smoke and dust, the soft warm air will be filled with the smell of blood and death. It's all far too familiar, and suddenly Acasea thinks that she can't do it again. She never wants to see the battlefield again.

She is laying on a wooden bench, linen blankets underneath to keep her relatively comfortable. It's still morning, but way later than she had woken up. Soon it will be noon, the sun high up in the sky. Ever since she was released from her chains Acasea has been laying here, and for good reason. Sometimes her eyes close, sometimes they stay open. Tiredness and the loss of blood weighs her down. She is often awoken by Maarya's soft, yet slightly panicked voice. Acasea knows that she is not allowed to fall asleep, but who can resist when it's so tempting?

Above her stands her Moonwitch mate, joined by many other witches. Acasea isn't so sure why she needs so many healers by her side, but she figures that her hazy mind is just making her confused. A witch with dark green, short hair is tending to the bruises on her arms and torso, under the watchful eye of Maarya. Another blue haired one has patched up the scratches on her face, and now moved onto her legs together with a blond haired one. Acasea isn't sure, but they might be performing surgery on her deep wounds. Something about metal being stuck inside, or whatever. Acasea doesn't really care.

Not when sleep is so tempting, and the witches or Maarya keep waking her up.

Maarya has been tending to her inner core. For hours now the Moonwitch has stood over her stomach and heart, transferred power and magic to her core. All of Acasea's strength has been going to healing herself, which means that her powers are constantly at zero. Maarya has been trying her best to keep it charged up, but Acasea was at the brink of death earlier and her powers are hesitant in recovering. When Maarya looks into her demon mate's eyes, she knows that Acasea's mind is too hazy to care. In one way, it's calming to know that their patient isn't panicking. They don't need that right now.

Helga keeps walking in and out of the tent. Whenever Acasea sees the gray haired demon in her blurry vision, she thinks she has forgotten something. Wasn't she supposed to say something to Helga? Something important? No matter how much the demon tries to remember, she never quite catches the thought in time. Whenever Helga disappears from her line of sight, even the thoughts of forgetting something are gone, and Acasea returns to the hazy state that she is beginning to feel comfortable in.

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