One - The Beginning

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Third person POV:

The sky is cloudy and dark. The sun hangs low on the horizon.
Between two buildings, in a dark, kind of spooky alley, there's a girl walking on her bare feet. She's walking home after her work at an cafe. She is holding her heels in her hand, because of her aching feet.
She looks behind her every two seconds, to see if someone is following her.
When she has almost reached the end of the alley, she hears a voice.

"Hello beautiful. You look kind of lost. Do you want me to drive you home?"

"No thanks" she says.

"Ah, why not? I swear I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Still a no" she says and starts walking again.

Then the man grabs her wrist.

"Just come with me, I need company"

"Let go of me!" she says as she tries to get free.
Two other men come out of the dark and try to grap her arms. She dodges their hands and punches one of them in the face.
As she expected, she gets hit too.
This makes her trying to get loose with all her strength. She grabs the arm of the man who is holding her left arm. She swings it around in an uncomfortable position and the man starts screaming out of pain.
The girl turns herself to the other two men. One of them tries to jump on her but she dodges him. He falls to the ground, but immediately gets up. She highers her knee and kicks him in his crotch. He collapses to the ground.
The third man doesn't even try to fight her. He steps back and disappears into the shadows.

The girl grabs her handbag off the ground and runs away of the men.

When she gets closer to the end of the alley, she realizes she's walking in the wrong direction. She immediately turns around to walk back, but then she sees the three man walking towards her.

She turns around and starts running away from them. But on her bare feet, she can't run that fast. The men are running closer and closer.
Then she reaches the end of the alley. Dead end.

She knows she has no choice. She has no control. She feels her anger grow and a loud roar comes out of the alley.

Her eyes start glowing and fangs grow out of her mouth. Her nails become claws and her face turns blue, like some kind of an animal. The three men stare at her in shock. She's a mutant!

Two of them jump forward to catch her

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Two of them jump forward to catch her. But her reflexes are enhanced. She dodges the men and they fall to the ground. She grabs their shoulders and throws them at a wall.

The third man grabs something out of his pocket. A knife. He steps forward and throws a punch at the girl. She dodges it and grabs his fist. The man tries to cut her with the knife, which is in his other hand.
He misses.
He tries it again. This time the knife cuts her side.
She roars out of pain and punches the man in his face, to see him he fall backwards and hit his head against the wall. He falls unconscious.

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