Five - Full Moon

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Macy's POV:

Alex and I sat by the lake. We talked about our mutations and training sessions.
He was completely fascinated by my mutation.
"So, you can just let claws appear?" he asked.

"Yup" I said smiling

"Can you show me?" he asked

"Sure" I said and concentrated. I made a fist of my hand. When I opened it, my nails had become claws.

He stared at them with wide eyes

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He stared at them with wide eyes. "Wow" was all he could say.
He brought his hand higher up to mine.
"Can I.. touch them?" he asked.


He touched them carefully. His fingers trailed from my finger to the sharp tip of my claw.

His actions stopped when we heared a loud scream. We looked up and saw Sean flying.

I jumped up and started cheering. Alex laughed at the sight and stood up, clapping.

When we saw Sean flying back to Charles and Erik, I asked, "Shall we go back?"

Alex nodded and we walked back to the mansion.


Third person POV:

It was already evening and Macy sat on her little couch in front of the window and looked outside.
She felt a little bit weird, like something inside her was growing.

She heared a knock on her door. "Come in" she said.

The door opened and Charles walked into the room. He sat down on her bed and looked at her.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine" Macy lied, but she forgot that Charles could read her mind.

"Do you know what a full moon is?" he asked.

"Yeah, then the moon is on its full size"

Charles nodded. "Did you also know that a full moon affects your mutation?"

Macy looked confused. "What do you mean, affects my mutation?" "

"Well, I read in a book that a full moon, which is once in a month, affects werewolfs. They transform into their wolf form which they can't stop and they can't control it. Their instinct takes over. Their instinct to kill" Charles told her.

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