Nine - Choosing A Side

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Macy's POV:

The rockets almost reached the beached, but then Erik stops them. All of them hang in the air, like time's standing still.

Erik turns his hand and the rockets follow his command.
He's turns them towards the ships.

"Erik, you said it yourself, we're the better men!" Charles shouts to him.

"This is the time to prove it"

Erik doesn't listen. He continues turning the rocketes.

"There are thousands of men on that ships. Good, honest, innocent men. They're just following orders"

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders" Erik says and he looks at Charles.
"Never again"
He releases the rockets. They're flying towards the ships who fired them.

"Erik, release them!" Charles yells.

I tightly hold onto Alex' arm. 'We can't stop them. Only Erik can. So we have to stop Erik' I think. 'But he can stop me with a wave of his hand.. Let's get rid of my metal'
I quickly remove all of the metal of my suit, by ripping the zipper and little metal things off it.
It may look bad, but I don't care.

I let go of Alex' arm and roar. I run to Erik and fall onto him.

He loses control of the rockets and some of them are falling down, into the water. He puts his hand up again and the other rockets continue their missions towards the ships.

I pull his hand down to the ground. More rockets fall down.
He pushes me off him and the rockets fly further.

Charles runs up to us and helps me.
He's trying to pull of his helmet.

More rockets fall down and some of them already explode in the air.

"I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me" Erik growls and he throws Charles off him.

The others step forward to help but Erik doesn't want that
"Step back!" he says and makes Alex, Banshee and Beast fly back.

'Why doesn't he send Raven back?' I ask myself.

Charles doesn't stop trying taking the helmet off Erik's head.

"Charles, that's enough!" Erik says as he pushes him down again and he highers his hand. The remaining rocket continue flying to the ships.

"Erik, stop!" Charles yells, but Erik punches him in the face and stands up.

The rockets almost reach the ships when Moira starts firing bullets at Erik.

He fends them off with his hand and they fly in other directions.

I run up to Charles, to help him get up when I feel something in my stomach.
I look down and see my yellow suit turning red.
'I've been shot' I think.

"No!!" I hear Charles shout.

I fall onto my knees and hold my hands against my wound.

Alex runs up to me and holds me against him. "No, no, no!" he yells.

I hear another scream and look at Charles. He holds his back and falls to the ground.
'He's been shot too..'
Erik runs up to us and holds him as he lies on the ground. He takes out the bullet and throws it away.
"I'm sorry.." he says to him. "I said back off!!" he shouts to the others, wanting to help.

I lean against Alex and we sit down on the ground.
I look at him and see tears in his eyes. "No, Macy! Hold on.." he says.

"It's okay" I say. "I'll heal"

"No.. No.. Your not okay.. You're bleeding.. You've been shot" his voice is shaking.

"I know.. And it's allright, I'll heal" I say and I look at Erik and Charles.

Erik looks at Moira. "You.. You did this" he says and he lift his arm.
Moira's necklace flies up and chockes her. She brings her hands up to her neck, trying to get lose of the grip of her necklace.

"No.. Please" Charles says.

"She didn't do this Erik.. You did" I say.

Erik lowers his arm and the necklace let go Moira's neck. He looks at Charles.
"Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles" he says to him.
"I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing"

"My friend, I'm sorry, but we do not" Charles says.

Erik looks up and gestures to Moira to help Charles.

She immediately runs up to him.
"Charles! I'm sorry Charles, I'm so sorry!" Moira cries out as she sits next to him.

"It's allright.. It's allright.." Charles shushes her.

I look at my wound and saw that it's almost gone.
I try to stand up myself, but Alex jumps up and helps me. I smile thankful at him.

We look at Erik, who turns himself to us and the other mutants.

He points at Moira."This society won't accept us. We form our own.
The humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours" Erik says.
"Who's with me?"

I look at Alex, who shooks his head. I nod in agreement and look back at Erik.

He looks at Raven and holds out his hand. "No more hiding" he says.

That sentence made Raven step forward.

As she walked forward, she looked from Charles, to Erik and back to Charles.
Eventually, she sits down next to Charles, who lies groaning on the ground.

"You.. You should go with him. It's what you want" Charles looked at her.

"You promised me you would never read my mind" she says.

"I know.. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry" he says and he kisses her hand as a goodbye.

Raven leans forward and kisses Charles on his forehead.
"Take care of him" she says to Moira.
She stands up and walks to Erik, who still hold out his hand.

They look at us, but we don't move.

Shaw's mutants start walking towards Erik and they grab each other's hand.

"And Beast, never forget: Mutant and proud" Raven says and they teleport away.

"Macy, are you okay?" Charles asks me immediately after they disappeared.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It already started healing"

Beast and Banshee start running up to Moira and Charles.
"Help me out. Help. Come on" Moira says, as they want to lift Charles off the ground.
"We're going to get you to a hospital!"

Charles pulls himself up, but strats groaning out of pain.

"Wait.. don't Charles. Charles, don't move okay?" Beast says to him.

"I won't" Charles groans. "Actually.. I can't feel my legs"

"What?" Beast says in disbelief.

"I can't feel my legs.. I can't feel my legs.." Charles keeps repeating over and over, in shock.

I put my hand in front of my mouth and look at Alex.
He's paralyzed.


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Your author, JZ

Word count: 1111

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