Six - Friends?

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Macy's POV:

The next day, Alex and I went out to train.
I was wearing a top with grey tracksuit bottoms.
Alex wore a tracksuit, but the bottom didn't have sleeves.
We started doing some kind of work out on the grass and after that, we ran jogged around the lake.

When we finished, we walked back to the mansion. We almost reached the frontdoor when Charles and Hank showed up.
Hank walked on his bare feet-hands and Alex couldn't resist to make a joke.
"Impressive Hank. Feet like those and all you need is a red nose. Right Bozo?" he said.

I couldn't help it and chuckled.

"Think I'm done here" Hank said and walked away with an annoyed look on his face.

"Thank you Alex, Macy" Charles said sarcastic.

I greeted him and turned back to Alex.
"Why did you say that?" I said, trying to be mad, but I didn't succeed.

"What about it? You laughed, so it was funny" he said smirking.

"It's was a bit funny. He didn't like it though" I said, having pity for Hank.

"He'll get over it" Alex said as he put his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving" I laughed and we walked towards the kitchen.


We stood in the kitchen and I opened the fridge. I searched for something to eat.
"What do you wanna eat?" I asked Alex.

"Oh, I don't really care" he said.

I nodded and grabbed some stuff out of the fridge. I made a meal and gave one plate to Alex.

"Thanks" he said and started eating.
"So, you eat human food?" he joked.

I laughed. "Ofcourse I do! I'm not like a vampire or something"

He laughed.

When we finished our food we walked to the living room. Moira said this morning that the president was going to make his adress.

We walked into the living room and Moira hang out if the window and yelled. "Hey! The president is about to make his address!"
I saw that Erik and Charles stood outside.
They ran inside, so they wouldn't miss anything.

The television was already on and Alex and I took place behind the sofa. I stood between him and Raven.

"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba. As an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response.."

"That's where we're gonna find Shaw" Erik said.

"How do you know?" Alex asked him.

"Two superpowers facing off and be wants to start World War III. He won't leave anything to chance" Charles said, eyes still on the TV.

"So much diplomacy. I suggest you all get a good night's sleep" Erik told us.

"What if I can't sleep?" I said and I regret it already, because I heared some people sigh.

"I'll join you" Alex said smirking.

"Alright.." I said smiling.

"Guys please.. Get a room or something" Sean sighed.

I laughed and walked out of the room. When I reached the stairs, I heared someone behind me. I turned around and saw it was Alex.
"Hey" I greeted him.


"Were you serious? About joining me?" I asked.

I saw Alex' cheeks turning red as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Well.. Uhm.. Kind of.. Yes?" he stuttered.

"Oh.. Well.. You can join me if you want?" I suggested.

Alex smiled. "As friends right?" he asked.

'As friends? Yes! ...Right? Oh my gosh, what am I thinking? Yes, ofcourse as friends. He'll just help me fall to sleep, since I can't in this new bed yet.
Yup, he's coming with me, as friends'

"Yup, as friends" I said and smiled.

We walked up the stairs, towards my room. The walls were light blue and I decorated them with some shelfs with books, plants, pictures, drawings.
There was a 2-person sized bed under the window, with black bedsheets on it. In the left corner of the room stood a desk with a chair. There laid some pencils, paper and unfinished drawings on it. I like to draw random things that I see, like trees, plants, people, landscapes, but mostly animals. Being more specific: wolves.
I love to draw wolves, because they're my favorite animals. Ironic right?
I know.

Alex looked around the room. "It's nice. Better than my room" he said. He held up an unfinished drawing m. "Do you like to draw?"

"Yeah, I love to draw. I mostly draw animals. Wolfs, to be more specific"

"Cool. You're really good"

"Thanks" I said and felt the heat in my cheeks rise.

Alex took a step forward and stood in front of me.
"So.. You can't sleep in this new bed yet?"

"No.. I'm laying awake the most of the night"

"Maybe I can keep you company?" he said smirking.

I smiled. "To do what? Laying awake the whole night or..?"

"I was more thinking about.. Having fun" Alex smirked.

"What kind of fun?" I said smirking.

"This kind of fun.." he said and closed the space between us. A moment later, I felt his lips on mine. I responded by kissing him back. My right hand moved to the crook of his neck and my left rested on his shoulder.
His hands grabbed the small of my back and pulled me closer to him, not wanting to waste any space between us.
His tongue swiped down my lower lip, asking for entrance. I immediately opened my mouth and let him in.
We fought for dominance,which he won and I felt him smirking into the kiss.

After what felt to short, we needed to pull away for air.
I looked into his eyes. They were beautiful blue, with a spark of silver in the middle. I could drown in them if I wanted to.

"I wanted to do that for a long time" he whispered.

"Me too" I said and I kissed him again.
We slowly moved towards the bed. Alex sat down and moved me on his lap.
He broke the kiss and moved to my jaw and the crook of my neck and made a trail of kisses. I wrapped my arms around him and hold him close to me. I felt his hand moving under my shirt, lifting it up a little. I pulled away and took my shirt of. He looked at me and smirked.

Let's just say they had a very fun night :)


This was a long one! The script that isn't in the movie is my own! Don't copy or steal ;)


Hope you liked it! Please vote and share! See you at the next chapter!

Your author, JZ

Word count: 1136

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