Eight - Fighting

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Macy's POV:

I stood next to Alex, Erik and Beast. Shaw's mutants stood outside their submarine.
I turn into my Jaguar-form and roar.

Angel's feet lifted from the ground as she started to fly

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Angel's feet lifted from the ground as she started to fly.
The man in a grey suit made little hurricanes appear in his hands.

Alex sended a red blast at him, which smashes him against the sub.
Then the red teleport mutant appears behind us.
We turn around and duck, because of his tail which grabbes Alex by his throat. Beast punches him and I want to help Alex, but when I grab the red tail, we teleport and we fall down towards one of the ships. The mutant let go of Alex throat and he falls down faster than we do.
"MACY!!" he yells.
I reached out my hand, which he takes.

I hold on to the tail and Beast holds onto the jacket of the red mutant.
"If we go, you go!" he says.

The red mutant lookes down and teleports us on the deck of the ship.
I jump up and kick the red mutant in the back and he falls forward. He teleport behind me and I duck, to avoid an attack of his tail.
Alex sends a red blast to him, but he teleports and now holds on to Alex' torso. He turns him around and his red blast destroys a part of the ship.
I punch the red mutant against his head, so he let go of Alex. I catch him before he falls on the ground.
Beast jumpes on the mutant and they teleport to another part of the ship.

"Gangway! Gangway! Gangway!" a man says as he runs up to us.

I growl and knock down one of the men.

Alex pulls me off him.
"Macy.. You need to calm down or they'll kill us" he says to me.

"Stop! Don't move!" another man says.

Alex looks up and his eyes widen. I also look up and see Angel flying.
"GET DOWN!" Alex yells as Angel spits fireballs at us. He gets down and pulls me with him.
I see grey circle part of his suit is on fire, so I cut it out and throw it away.
I look around and see Angel flying above the water. Then suddenly Banshee rises up out of the water and uses his supersonic sound waves to make Angel fly back.

The crew of the ship takes us with them as I see Banshee flying up to us. I put my hands on my ears and look at Alex to see he does the same.
The men groan by the sound of Banshee's screams.

"Go!" I say to Alex. "I can handle this"

"I'm not going to leave you!" he says.

"I have my claws, remember?" I say smiling.

He sighs and takes my cheek in his hand. Then I feel his soft lips on mine. It's a fast, but loving kiss. I pull away and push him towards the fence.
Alex jumps as Banshee flys past us and catches him.
I see them fly back to the beach and I turn around.
'Where is that teleporting son of a bitch?' I say to myself.

When I say that, the teleporter appears in front of me.
I grab his tail and pull it, so he falls, but he teleports us to a higher place on the ship. I see Beast standing next to me as he throws a punch at the red mutant. He falls, but teleports behind us. I duck as he wants to punch me.

The Jaguar {} X-Men fanficfion (Alex Summers x OC)Where stories live. Discover now