Ten - The End

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Macy's POV:

It's been a few days since what happened in Cuba.

Charles has been diagnosed that he's paralyzed from his hip down.

I haven't seen Erik or Raven yet, but I don't think I will soon.
Moira told us about a burglary at the CIA. They freed Emma Frost to join their team of mutants.

But I don't think they'll come after us. We showed that we don't want to join them, and I still don't want to.

We may not be loved by the human society, I don't think we should fight them for acceptance. It will only make things worse.

The remaining members of the X-Men all wanted to stay at the school.
Charles said that he wanted to open a school for mutants. His mansion is big enough to be a school, so why not?
I think it's a great idea.

Sean said that he first would go back to his hometown, to sort things out.

Hank stays with Charles at the mansion. He has nowhere to go and Charles needs someone to hold him company.
No, I'm kidding. Hank wants to learn more about his mutation, now he's Beast.

Things with me and Alex are great. After we brought Charles and Moira back to the mansion, we went somewhere with just the two of us.
We talked about what happened in the last couple of months and what we're gonna do now.
We came to the conclusion that we have no idea, we'll see what happens and where we end up.

The End


But for now I want to say, thank you!
Thank you for reading my story! I really enjoyed writing it :)


I'm currently writing the prequel of this book, that sets place during X-men: Days Of Future Past!


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See you at the next one!! :)

Your author, JZ <3

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