Three - Darwin

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Macy's POV:

Charles, Erik and Moira are on a mission, so me and the other mutants are, once again, put in a room. I don't bother, though. It's a nice room with games, music, food, drinks.

Darwin and I are watching how Alex playes a game on a Pinball machine. The others are sitting on the couches next to the big window.

"Alright, alright" I laugh as Alex score gets higher and higher.

"Jesus man, you're killing me" Darwin adds.

"Don't beat yourself up, I've had a lot of spare time" he explains.

"You almost done? I want to play another round, because I'm going to beat your ass" I say, smirking.

Darwin laughs. "That's the spirit! You heard that Alex?"

"Yes I did" he says, still concentrated.

Two guys appear in front of the window. "Wow, I didn't know the circus was in town" one of them says laughing.
"Come on honey, give us a little.." he talks to Angel and he flaps his hands like he has wings.
"No? Come on, let's see the foot" he points to Hank's feet.

Hank stands up and walks towards the window.

"There it is, come on Bigfoot, let's go!" the man cheers.

Hank pushes a button, so the curtains close.
He sighs and returns to his seat.

The room is quiet for a moment.
"They're just guys being stupid" Raven says.

"Guys being stupid I can handle. Okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes of than the way these ones started at me" Angel says.

"At us" Raven adds and Angel gives her a sad smile.

Suddenly we hear some distant rumbling and clattering. 'It had been quiet the whole time, so maybe it sounded worse than that is was?' I thought.

Then we hear it again. I look at Darwin and he looks at the others on the couches. "What was that?" he asks.
"I don't know.. Something doesn't feel right" he says as he walks towards the window.

The others also stand up and look around.

I look at Alex and we join the others.

Hank pushes the button and the curtains open.

I look up to the sky to see two men flying.

"What is that?" Darwin asks, who sees it too.

Then one of the men disappears and the other one screams as he falls down.
My eyes follow him falling to the ground. He reaches the ground in front of us and Raven screamed as she locks eyes with his dead body.

I look up again and see the same person teleporting from place to place in the sky and more men are falling from the sky. I hold my hand against my mouth to mute my whimpers of fear.

People come running and a man bangs on our window. "Do not leave that room! We're under attack!" he yells to us.

The person who can teleport appears behind them. We start pointing and yelling at them to look back.

"Shoot!! SHOOT!!" a man.
When he starts shouting, the teleporter disappears again. I feel someone pull me behind the couch. When I sit down I see that it was Alex. He protects me and Angel, who sits next to me with a terrified expression on her face.

The teleporter appears next to a man with a gun and turns him, making him shoot at our window. The window breaks and he continues shooting inside.
After a few seconds, the shooting stops. Darwin is the first one to get up and he looks around, see if he can catch a glimpse of the teleporter .

The Jaguar {} X-Men fanficfion (Alex Summers x OC)Where stories live. Discover now