Seven - Cuba

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Third person POV:

Everyone stood in front of the door that leads to Hank's lab. There was a note taped up:
Go to the airbase, bring the crate marked X.

Charles opened the door and walked in. Hank was nowhere to be seen and the whole lab was a mess.

The others followed Charles inside the lab and looked around.

"What the hell happened here?" Erik asked.

Charles found the crate marked X and opened it.
"Hank really has been busy" he said as he looked into the crate.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asked.

"As none of us have mutated to endure extreme G-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up"

"I can handle G-force and bullets. I'll heal" Macy said and she received sighs from everyone else.

Alex chuckled.

"But your not bulletproof, right?" Raven asked.

"No, but.."

"Then suit up" Charles cuts her off.


The team arrived on the airbase and stood next to a plane.
They all wore their new yellow and black suits, which Hank designed for them.

"Where's Hank?" Raven asked as she looked around the airbase.

"I'm here" Someone said. It was Hank. He walked up to them, but all they saw was a silhouette of him. But he looked different.

"Hank?" Charles said confused.

"Is it just me or does he look different?" Macy whispered to Alex, who stood next to her.
Her suit was very similar to Raven's, yellow, with a wider bust, but Macy's was a little bit smaller in length.

Alex shook his head. "I don't know" he whispererd back.

Hank stepped into the light and everyone's eyes widened. He wasn't a human anymore. He was hairy, blue, had fangs, claws and yellow glowing eyes.

"It didn't attack the cells. It enhanced them. It didn't work" he explained as he saw our shocked faces.

Raven grabbed his shoulder. "Yes, it did, Hank. Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding" she said to him with a soft voice. Hank looked at the ground.

"Never looked better, man" Erik said nicely but Hank didn't think so and grabbed him by his throat.

"Hank!" Charles yelled.

"Don't mock me" Hank growled to Erik.

He tried to get lose as Hank tightened his grip.

"Hank, put him down immediately, please. Hank, Hank!" Charles yelled.

When Hank didn't let go Macy stepped forward towards him.
"Hank, put him down, now!" she yelled as her eyes started glowing.

As it was an command, Hank immediately let go of Erik, who fell to the ground.
"I wasn't" he said, looking up to him.

Macy let her glowing eyes dissappear and stepped back to her place.
After Alex made sure she was okay, he said to Hank, "Even I gotta admit, you look pretty badass. I think I got a new name for you: Beast"

Hank growled as a respond.

"You're sure you can fly this thing?" Sean asked Hank as he looked up to the jet.

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