Four - A Place We Can Go

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Macy's POV:

We were brought outside, at the entrance of the building. We all sit down on a stone bench.
I sit between Alex and Raven, staring in front of me, overthinking the whole situation that just happened.

'We could've stopped him. Saying it was a stupid plan. But he wouldn't have listened anyway..
It is Alex fault? I don't think so.. He did what Darwin said he had to do. It was his plan and we all agreed with it.
And now he's dead' I thought.

Raven suddenly stands up. I look up to see a car driving up to us.
Charles, Erik and Moira step out of the car and run up to us.
"Raven" Charles says as he walks up to her and hugs her.

"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately" he says to us.

"We're not going home" Sean stated.


He looks at Alex. "He's not going back to prison"

"He killed Darwin!" Alex says.

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over"

"Darwin is dead Charles. And we can't even bury him" Raven says to him.

I look at the ground. 'She is right. We can't go home and do nothing'

Erik breaks the silence. "We can avenge him"

Charles shakes his head and pulls Erik arm with him."Erik, a word, please" he says and they walked away from us.

I focus on my hearing so I can here their conversation.

"They're just kids" Charles says to Erik.

"No they were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours" Erik says.

Charles walks back to us. His eyes meet mine before he opens up to everyone. "We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?"

"Yeah" Alex answers.

"Well, we can't stay here. Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe" Hank says.
"We have nowhere to go"

"Yes, we do" Charles says, a smile creeping up his face.


We stand in front of a huge building. It looks like a castle. But I think it's more like a huge mansion.

"This is yours?" Sean asks.

"No, it's ours" Charles answerw.

'Ours? So we stay here? To train? Wow..' I thought while I still look up to the building.

"Didn't know that you're this rich" I joke and he laughs

"Honestly Charles, I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship" Erik says.

"Well, it was a hardship, softened by me" Raven says as Charles puts his arm around her shoulder and kisses the side of her head.
I smile at the sight.

"Come on, time for the tour" She says as she walkes towards the frontdoor of the mansion.

I wait for the others to follow her as I hook up at the back.


It's time to train. Charles takes all of us with him for a private training session.

I look out of the window of my room and see Charles pointing a gun at Erik's head. I focus on my hearing, so I can hear what they're saying.

"No, No I can't. I'm sorry" Charles says as he puts the gun down.
"I can't shoot anyone point blank, let alone my friend"

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