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Felt like writing some random fillers so here's todays chapter! 
I'll be updating more in the next few weeks. Maybe two updates per week? We'll see.


Luna's POV

I sigh, drifting off into the force listlessly, wondering how Ahsoka and Anakin were doing with warning Bolla Ropal and searching for Bane.

I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed with myself for letting Bane escape. For kriffs sake, I could have just force pulled him towards me... or something.

"Focus." My Master orders from beside me, "You're getting distracted. Again."

I bite my lip, keeping myself from retorting with a comeback, "Right, sorry Master."

Focusing my mind back on the Force, I allow it to wrap around me and let its warmth become my own. 

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.

I am one wi- 

-what did you have for breakfast again?

Uhh... A piece of fruit, a ration bar, and a glass of blue milk, I think.

My Master coughs, "Why in the name of the force are you thinking about what you ate for breakfast?!?"

"I don't know. Ask my brain!" I mutter, face turning red.

I sense Obi-wan roll his eyes, "Just keep your mind blank." He orders, "If you do it properly, you should be able to achieve a full meditation trance and be able to sense my thoughts like I can sense yours."

"Mhm," I say, doing what I could to clear my mind. I couldn't help but feel distracted today. The whole Holocron incident had left me unbalanced, and everything with Hayde-

No no no. Shut up right now and focus!!

Focusing on the Force again, I allow myself to completely block out any other distractions, feeling life swirl around me. The Force was like a waterfall of power, its power flowed through me, around me, and was me. Focusing on my Master's force signature, I sense him let his own mental shield down, allowing me into his mind. 


My mind recoils slightly at the familiar voice, *Master?*

I resist the urge to open my eyes and lose focus. Instead, I take a few more calming breaths to allow the connection to stabilize.

*That's it, keep your mind focused and at peace.*

*Wait- So have I basically just achieved telepathy?!?*

I hear a mental sigh from my Master, *If you have to call it that, then yes.*

*Does that mean I can technically go into anyone's mind??*

A slight pause *Not exactly, for example, the only reason you're able to maintain a connection with my mind is that, well one, you're my padawan, and two, I invited you in without any of my mental shields up. As for others, it is extremely difficult to intrude into other beings' minds. That would take years of training and practice, not to mention, taking something forcefully from another's mind would bring you too close to the dark side.*

*Oh.* I ponder on it for a while. *So this is how you speak to the Council when reaching a decision during a meeting? You talk telepathically?!?*

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