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I'n starting this chapter with Chris and PJ if you guys don't mind. I kinda need to do something with them after the incident. Thanks for over 600 reads btw XxX

PJs POV(a few months after finding out)

I put my laptop on the coffee table of now just my apartment,it's been so lonely without Chris here. I decided to give him a call and see if he wanted to hangout somewhere.

I hadn't talked to Chris in months,I missed him a lot. I never really loved anyone,until I met Chris of course.

I picked up my cell phone and texted Chris, "Hey,do you wanna do something today? :)" I got an answer within five minutes, "Yeah,sure. I'll be over in an hour?", " Sounds good."

I wasn't sure how this would go,but I hope it'd go good,after all,I did want to try again with him,because no matter what he did,I'd love him forever.

~A few months later~

I sat on the couch with my head on Chris' lap and he looked down at me, "I love you.", he said and ran a hand through my hair, " I love you too."

Dan's POV

"So Phil,about the wedding,when we have if,who should our groomsmen be?",I asked washing the dishes as he put away leftovers. He looked down at the floor, " I think obviously PJ and uh,Chris."

We hadn't talked to either of them in awhile,but we weren't the ones to hold grudges and they'd been our best friends for so long.

I don't think we'd told anyone about our engagement yet,so that was our first priority today.

I got out the camera and we made a video and called it "Boyfriend tag." We decided we'd just drop the bomb off at the end of the video,we loved seeing all the fan girls and fan boys flip out on us.

"So guys,this video had a purpose", Phil began, " This isn't the boyfriend test,this is the fiancé test." Phil held up his hand to show the bright ring on his finger. I kissed Phil right there on camera, "Have some pheels guys,you're welcome.",I started to giggle.

I edited the video and started it's upload. I decides now would be a good time to text the guys. " Hey Peej and Chris,it's Dan. Me and Phil were wondering if you'd be the bestmans at our wedding? X"

I waited for an answer and almost got one immediately, "We'd be honored. XxX" I smiled, "Phil,we found two of our groomsmen. This wedding will be amazing.",I grabbed his waist and kissed his cheek.

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