Chapter 1 My First day

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"Have you ever been lied to, feeling betrayed and lonely at the same time?That's how I felt when I learned the meaning of my existence."

My parents died when I turned 16. They were scientists and they loved their job a lot.

I started living in a orphanage until I got enough money to live on my own.

Today I transferred to a new school, called Heart Academy. I am kind of scared but excited because I haven't been to school in a while.

The hall is so crowded that I barley made it to the front desk. I walked toward the lady sitting on the chair while chewing bubble gum really loud. It was kind of annoying.

"Um, hi. My name is Sophie Larsen and I have an appointment with the Principle."

She looked at me and sighed.

"Go straight then turn right, you will see the principle's office."


I walked towards the office and knocked on the door. My heart was beating fast.

" Thump thump thump."
I could hear my own heart beat."

"Come in."

He had a loud deep voice. I walked in the door and saw a man sitting on his chair. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked around his late thirty's. His office smelled like coffee. I could see clearly where all the coffee scent came from.

He had cups of old coffee in a tray by his desk. He saw me looking at the old coffee. I quickly looked away so I wouldn't embarrass him.

"Are you Sophie Larsen?"

" Yes I am."

"Alright then I will show you your homeroom."

The steps we took felt like hours to get to the classroom, my heart was beating like I have been in a race.

" Thump, thump, thump"

Not only could I hear it, but I could feel my heart beating as I walked into the classroom. I looked down, yet I could feel all eyes looking at me. The principle introduced me to everyone.

"Everyone this is Sophie Larsen and she will be joining your class. Please make her feel welcomed."

When I looked up everyone was looking at me. My face was all red that you could even see it on my face. Everyone started to laugh and I just smiled.

My homeroom teacher came in. He had blonde hair and blue eyes his eyes were the bluest I've ever seen.

"Alright, I am Mr. Fox and I am your homeroom teacher. Your desk is by the window in the back seat."

I sat down really hard and it hurt my butt. Homeroom ended then English came, Math, Social studies and lunch. Finally, lunch came.

I got up to go to lunch. A girl from my class came running towards me at full speed. Then she ran past me and ran back.

" Are you Sophie?"

"Um, yes."

"Okay then, please come with me."

Before I could answer she pulled my hand and we were both running. While we were running, teachers were shouting.

"No running in the halls!"


She kept apologizing as we ran I finally yanked my hand back and stopped to catch my breath. Once I caught my breath I looked up to look at her. She had light orange hair with braids and green eyes.

" Um why are you pulling my arm and running in the hall."

For minute she looked like she forgot what to say. Then she made a weird face again.

"Oh sorry about the late introduction but my name is Cindy."

"Um , hi nice to meet you, but why are you pulling my arm and running in the hall."

"Because I want to see something and I need you to, figure it out"

"Ah okay but you could have asked me first before you pulled my hand started running down the hallway."

"I did and you said yes."

"No I didn't."

"Well you said yes a minute ago".

I took a breath in and out.

"Fine I am coming, just can I take a sip of water I'm kind of tired from the running."

We entered a different classroom the classroom was very big much bigger then my classroom. On the side it had a long by window so there was a lot of light in the classroom. Me and Cindy walked towards a group of three kids.

"Hey Cindy what's..."

He stopped when he looked toward and of course I looked back at him. Cindy was smiling like a child who just got candy.

"This guys name is Harry, Harry this is Sophie a new girl from my class."

I looked at him and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Harry, as Cindy said my name is Sophie."

There also was a girl right by Harry she was a really pretty girl she had golden hair and bright green eyes. Her eyes were way brighter than Cindy.

Harry saw my expression when I looked at the pretty girl.

"Ah this is Layla."

"Hi my name is Layla nice to meet you Sophie I hope we can be good friends."

"Me too , nice to meet you Layla."

While they were chatting I sat on a empty desk close by Harry's and looked out the window.

"Hey that's my desk can you move so I can sit."

I turned around a boy who had same bright blue eyes and dark black hair as me.

"Ah Jake finally you got here." Cindy said

My eyes couldn't get of him he looked some what familiar.

"Can you please get of my desks so I can sit."

"Oh sorry I forgot."

The bell wronged and everyone was running back to class. Then I remembered.

"Cindy didn't you need me for something, we haven't done it yet."

"No actually we did."

"Oh okay then."

Finally class ended and I walked home and I saw mail in my box. Finally the mail I've been expecting for my information from the department. I read my information it was right then I turned to the the next and my heart just skipped a beat.

No way I thought, it can't be true in my parents name it said adopted parent. I read it so many yet the word stayed the same. If my parent aren't my parents then.....

"Who am I?"

Thanks for reading my first chapter sorry for the errors this is my first book so ya. My next chapter is coming soon it is called Hints hope you like it

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