Chapter 4 My Destiny

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I entered the pet shop with the dog I found. I looked around there were a lot of animals birds, cats, dogs and many more. I walked towards the front desk but no one was there.

"Hello anyone here?"

Then I heard a voice in the back of the store.

"Coming coming!"

A old, short woman came to the counter she had short, curly whitish, blondish hair mixed together and had round glass with her dark blue eyes piercing through the glass. She was a little chubby but not to much.

"How may I help you today?"

"I need supplies for this dog and a collar."

"This way miss."

We walked toward a section, of all kinds of different dog food then we walked towards bath supplies for the dogs. Lastly we went to the collar section. I looked at all collars but couldn't choose one.

Suddenly the dog walked towards one light blue collar.

"Looks like he likes that one." The lady said .

I picked it up and went to the counter. I gave all the stuff to the lady and paid. Just as I was about to leave the lady stopped me.

"If you want I can put your dogs name on the collar for free since you bought a lot stuff."

" Ok but first can I put all the stuff in the car?"

"Of course you can dear"

I took all my stuff and ran to my car and put all the stuff in the car and jogged back to the pet shop.

"So dear what is the name you want on the collar?"

"To be honest I am not sure."

"Well then your dog is a golden retriever, am I right?"

"Yes ."

"Then think , what does he remind you of?"

I thought but all I could thing was gold or the sun which would be a lame name for a boy dog. Then suddenly I had the perfect name.

"How about Rusty?"

"Alright then it will be done in five minutes can you wait that long?"

"Yup, I can!"

I found a chair and sat down and Rusty sat down next to me on the ground. I opened my purse and held the ring in my hand and felt it. I heard the ladies footprints coming towards me so I quickly put the ring back in my purse.

"Here is your collar dear."

"Thank you."

I put the collar on Rusty and I really liked how it looked on Rusty. Me and Rusty walked back to the car. He climbed into the passenger seat and we were on our way. It took us five minutes to get home. I arranged all of Rusty's stuff. Chew toys, food and a food bowl , then Rusty went to sleep quickly.

I opened my purse and took out the ring. I looked at it carefully , thin sunlight that escaped through my curtains from the window hit the ring. A streak of light shone off the ring which blinded my right eye.

I put the ring back into the box and placed it back into my desk drawer. It was Sunday evening and I finished all my homework for school and choose my clothes to wear the next day. My alarm was set and I had nothing to do. I took out the ring once again and sat on my study table and placed my head on the table of boredom. I placed my eye level to the ring. Time passed , minutes turned to hours and my eyes got heavy and heavier, darkness started to cover my eyes until I couldn't keep them open anymore.

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