Chapter 7 Finals

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Books is all I see, all day all night on, the weekends. Finals the worst thing in the end of the school year. I am having a study group with all my friends. There all coming over, I'm really excited. I brought some free ice cream from my job. Suddenly I hear the bell ring and Jake shouts from upstairs.

"Can you get that?"

"Yeah one minute!"

I quickly make my way to the door with Rusty who is a few steps ahead of me. When I opened the door Harry, Layla and Cindy are all smiling at me.

"Hey guys come on in."

Rusty gave out a happy bark and walked over to Layla, Layla was a little nervous when Rusty came over but manage to give Rusty a rub on the stomach. A few minutes Jake came down

"Hey guys come in the living room!"

They entered and we all sat down in the middle of the living room, there was a short glass table where we put the sweets I got from work. Then we started studying.

1 hour later~

Everyone ended up sleeping only I was awake so I went upstairs to have a break. Suddenly I had a rushing bad feeling in my stomach I ran back and woke up Jake,

"Jake, Jake wake up hurry!"

Jake woke up with a startle


He said annoyingly

"I have a bad feeling maybe there could be another demon coming."

He finally got up and we searched the house but the feeling I got was
gone by the time we were upstairs.

"See there is nothing there!"

Jake said

"But I swear I felt something!"

"Maybe you are over reacting!"


Since we were both awake and everyone was asleep we watched TV in the upstairs living room. I switched the channel Cartoon Network, ABC news, Pbs kids, then it shocked me on CNN News. On the TV screen I saw black lighting destroying building in one zap. I looked at Jake and he nodded. We were running down stairs but quickly stopped to see are friends asleep.

Harry moved a bit so we quickly, quietly got out of the house. We both accessed are wing and flew to where the lighting was coming from.

Up high in the sky we saw a woman with light green hair.

"So you finally came angels!"

"Who are you?!"

Jake shouted

"My name is Emerald, so Blaze got destroyed by you two, I could destroy you within a minute."

The black lighting was trying to hit us Jake manage to dodge but I got hit. When it hit me it was so painful on my stomach. I couldn't bear it so I just started falling, Jake caught me.

"You got to be stronger than that!"

I nodded, I started to fly again slowly but by time I was flying normally her lighting got more furious.

I summoned my sword and tried to stab her but I couldn't do it. Jake tried but couldn't do it either, she was much stronger than Blaze.

"You've managed to miss my lighting, now play time is over!"

The lighting came hard on both of us and made us fall onto a building. I couldn't get up. Just as she was going to hit us with a lighting suddenly time seemed to stop.

I was thinking why can't I be strong enough, why am I always weak?

Just then I heard a unison of voices saying

"But you are strong!"

Suddenly I felt power come into me my strength was back and I was ready to fight this woman. I got up and started to fly towards Emerald, my sword disappeared and in place got an bow and arrow. I aimed right in the place of the black jewel and fired but missed. Jake shouted to me

"Pass the arrow and bow!"

I threw the bow and arrow and he aimed. Emerald could see so I summoned my sword and distracted her. Then Jake suddenly screamed

"Sophie move now!"

I flew out of the way and the arrow hit Emerald right in the jewel. She looked at me and said

"The queen will arise and kill you!"

And just like that she disappeared, after that WILD adventure we flew home and entered by the window since we looked like we were in war. We quickly changed into new clothes and the wounds and scratches magically healed since we are angels. We went down stairs and everyone was awake and studying again.

Harry:"Where were you guys?"

Cindy:"Yeah we called you for 5 minutes and you didn't answer."

"Sorry guys I was taking a nap upstairs."

Said Jake then they looked at me.

"Yeah I was listing to music with my earbuds blast high."

Layla:"If you guys keep slacking off you will fail this semester and do extra credit over the summer."


We said in unison, we studied till nine and by eleven everyone went home. Me and Jake were eating a late dinner since all we had were sweets while studying. I looked up at Jake and he looked at me

"What's wrong?"

"Every time you killed a demon did they something weird like someone will get you or something?"

"No why?!"

"Nothing just asking"

"You sure you are not hiding anything, we're twins you know?"

" Yeah I know it's nothing just pretend I didn't say anything"

"Ah okay"

After that conversation we were silent and went to bed right after that.

One week later finals~

It was the last day of school and this whole week we have been doing finals for each class. Finally I finished my math final and went to lunch with everyone. We ate outside under the warm sun with a light breeze.

Harry:"Man that math final was hard I think I failed it!"

Layla:"That was so simple it looks like someone didn't study well."

She said with a smirk

Cindy:"Now now we all studied hard, don't worry Harry you did well"

Harry:"Thanks at least someone is trying to cheer me up."

He looked at Layla and she turned her head away. We had the half of the day free to all the student. All the teacher sat in the staff room enjoying there time after a long week. We all looked at the clock.

"Only five seconds left!"

Jake said, we all counted five to one

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"

The bell rang and everyone got up, summer was finally here and this summer will be the best summer in years!

Yeah I know I haven't undated in like 5 months or more and this chapter was supper short here it is. The next chapter is about there summer break and Sophie will encounter someone find out who In the next chapter 😖😱😵🤔😝

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