Chapter 3 The Truth

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Saturday, the day I have been waiting for, the day to find out the truth. But first I went shopping for some food.

I drove to Walmart to get some food I got more junk food than healthy. On the way back I saw Jake walking. My eyes suddenly widened on his finger was a black ring.

"No way, no way it's just a dream it can't be true."

I whispered to myself and took a deep breathe in.

I went to my apartment and put all my groceries in my fridge. I had two hours left till the meeting. I sat on the couch in boredom. I decided to take a walk around the park , as I walked around the park I saw streets performers.

"Welcome, welcome to our show."

They started with crazy stunts , and also did tricks with instruments. On the final trick they needed a person from the audience.

"Anyone who would like to assist?"

"Who would like to help us?"
Then he pointed at me.

"You come over here."

I walked over to the man and he pulled my hand in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen this girl."

Before he finished my mind blanked out everything was dark and black. I saw a bright light coming towards me.

"Nooo !" I screamed

I blinked again I could feel my cheeks felling feeling warm. I yanked my hand and ran as far as I could.

"Hey wait where are you going."
The man said.

I just kept going until I couldn't barley breath. I found a bench to rest on.

"What was that?" I whispered .

I looked at my watch again, one hour to go. Suddenly my other hand felt wet. I quickly looked to see what it was , a golden retriever dog. It was so cute I had to pet it.

"Where is your owner?"

It looked at me with a clueless expression. There was no dog collar on the neck, so I guessed it was a street dog. The dog was a male and its height was up to my thighs and it had soft, smooth fur. After awhile I got bored of playing with the dog and started walking towards ColdStone for some ice cream.

As I walked up the road hill I was thinking , why didn't they tell me earlier ,what could have stopped them from telling me? In my heart I felt betrayed but at the same time I was feeling confused. Something was missing I new it but , what was missing that's what I needed to find out.

Suddenly my leg felt wet and behind me was the same dog.

"Shoo go away!"

But he just stood there with excited eyes.

"Stop following me, gosh why can't you understand?"

"Hey come back here!"

Loud voices came from across the streets. Two animal control men with nets in there hand were running up the road hill. They were reeking in so much sweat.

"Finally caught you!"

They finally saw me.

"Hey you help us catch that dog, he has been causing us so much trouble."

"Sorry to break it to you but he's my dog so, no."

"Where is his collar then?"

"It broke and we lost it at the park then he saw a rabbit or something and started chasing after it."

They both looked confused and looked at each other.

"Fine kid but next time we won't let you off the hook."

They finally left and I looked at the dog with a frown.

"Now shoo go away I already helped you."

But he still followed me and wagged his tail. Finally I made it made it back to my apartment and looked behind me again and he was still there.

"No you can't come here."

I went to my bed and went on my phone for a while. I looked out and it was raining. Then I remembered the dogs face , why would he come in my mind I thought.

But my legs started running by themselves there is no way he is there no way. The elevator took a really long time so I took the stairs and walked outside in the rain and looked around.

"Ha , I knew he wasn't there."

Then I heard a weak bark and right in the corner I saw him all drench in water , he was shivering so much.

"Come, please don't suffer anymore."

He didn't move so I picked him up , he was very heavy and I carried him back to my room. I put him on the couch and dried him with a towel. Then looked in my fridge for something edible for dogs and he just zoned out the minute he finished his food.

"You were starving, weren't you?"

"I'll be back, there's something I have to do."

He opened his eyes as if he understood. There were fifteen minutes left so I got in my car to go to the appointment. The appointment started at 5:30 it was 5:15 and the drive was about ten minutes.

Finally , I made it to the department just in time is was about 5:28. I quickly rushed in and told my name and stuff and a lady escorted me into a room. The room was empty it had a small round table and two chairs across each other. On the wall there were a bunch of pictures. The pictures had children smiling and adults smiling. Then I heard a knock on the door, I quickly went to a chair.

The man who entered the door was a muscular body tone he had bright blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"You must be Sophie Larsen."

"Yes , that's me."

He walked over to the seat across me and in his hands was a small box. Just looking at the box made my tummy feel sick. He put the box in the table and looked at me with serious eyes.

"Before you open this box there are some stuff you need to know."

Now my stomach felt really sick.

"I am your mother and fathers lawyer and also they were a very good friend of mine."

"My name is Charles Anderson."

"Your parents gave me this box thirteen years ago when you were three years old."

"They must have known something would happen to them."

"Are you ready to read it?"

I nodded and he slowly put the box in front of me. I took the tape of the box and opened it. Inside was a letter and another box. I picked up the letter first in the other side of the letter was my name. I looked at Charles he nodded I slowly opens the envelope and it read...

Dear, Sophie
Right now I know you are very confused. If you reading this it means we are not here with you. Sophie I know you are angry at us for not telling you we are not your real parents. Now is the time you find out the truth. Your biological parents were never known. But you had one blood relative when you were found you had a twin brother. We were on a expedition to the temple of light and darkness and there is where we found you and your brother. Both of you had rings placed on your fingers. You had a golden ring while your brother had a black one. We put the memory in your ring so once you wear it you will know what to do. Sophie we may not be here with you right know but we will always be in your heart. But once you put on the ring your destiny will change. Your whole world will change. Sophie you are the angel of light when you are ready face it with the power of light and fulfill your destiny with your brother.
Love Mom and Dad

I put down the letter and silently looked at box. Inside was a small box I slowly opens and inside was a golden ring.

"This is my destiny huh."

Hey thanks for reading this chapter sorry that I took long. Also I hoped you liked I had fun writing it. Sorry for errors Next chapter is call "My destiny" till next time bye- bye

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