Chapter 5 The Enemy

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My eyes opened and in view was a white wall with a small light above but wasn't turned on. I felt something in my vein, in my arm. I turned to see a IV line in my arm which kind of freak me out. I sat up on my bed and looked around my surroundings. I was in the hospital, I hate hospitals just the smell gives me the shivers.

I looked around to see if anyone was there. I was trying to remember what happened before I ended up like this.

"Let's see I went to the amusement park with Jake,Harry and Cindy and after that me and Jake got late for lunch..and..took..a..shortcut. Then all those weird stuff started happening."

"Oh gosh!"

I put my hand against my head, what happened back there after I put on the ring. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It was Jake and a doctor who entered the room. Jake and the doctor were talking about medical stuff.

"Thank you doctor."

He said and sat on the chair next to my bed. It looked like you collapsed after you put on the ring.

"What do you mean?"

"Once you put on the ring all the power that was stored in the ring came rushing into your body. Your body wasn't capable of holding so much power that your body had to shut down to let your body get used to all the power."

Jake turned the TV on, it was a breaking news about the amusement park we went to. A reporter came on the screen.

"A sudden fire came out of nowhere and starts burning the amusement park. But a weird twist comes to it, a bright light after minutes after the fire starts spreading all over the amusement park suddenly disappears leaving many damages and no injuries."

I looked at Jake with a uneasy look, my stomach was having the butterfly's. I was dying to ask this one question that I have been wondering ever since I have laid eyes on Jake.

I looked at him directly, into his eyes, now is the moment I have been waiting for.



"I have a important question!"

"Um sure ask."

I could feel the tension in my body it was all over, I could feel a sweat running down my face.

"Are you my brother?"

He looked away once I asked the question once again

"Are you my brother?"

But this time he looked at me with kind eyes.

"Yes I am!"

I could feel my eyes tear up. Tears came out of my eyes running down my cheeks and landing on my hands. I could feel Jake embrace me with a hug.

His chest felt warm, for so long I wanted to let these tears of sadness of loneliness to come out. For two whole hours I cried letting all the things I regretted, the things I've have been holding on my heart. I got so exhausted from crying that I fell  asleep holding Jakes hand.

I awoke with a warmth in my hand, I knew Jake was holding my hand the whole night. I got out of my bed and walked towards the curtained window. The streaks of sunlight that escaped through the window lighted up the dark room.

"I want to be able to protect this world mom and dad didn't tell me because they wanted me to find out by myself. I won't run away anymore."

As my hand were in motion of opening the curtains I could feel a new me. The streaks of light turned into a world of light. Through the window I could see the world in a new way.

Two hours later Jake finally came back to see me.

"Jake I want to be able to save people just like you, please except me."

He looked at me with his serious eyes and smirked.

"First recover then we will start."

I smiled with excitement about a week later I finally got out of the hospital and stayed at Jakes house. He took me upstairs to my room. The room just had a bed and two doors I presume one for the closest and one for the bathroom.

After I was done unpacking I went down stairs where Jake was waiting for me. I sat down and he started to talk about why we exist.

"The reason we exist

He paused

"I have no idea

I looked at him


He just shrugged

"The person at the amusement park you saw wasn't an ordinary person."

I looked at with the duh do you think I'm stupid face.

"His name was Blaze and he can control fire. He is not the only one who has power like that. There are many people in this world who has power like that. I don't know the source but I have defeated many people like blaze but more keep coming."

"Do you know the source where there all coming from?"

"No I can't figure it out."

I looked at my ring and got an idea.

"Jake the rings, they might be able to give as an answer. I mean how did you learn how to defeat all the other ones."

"My ring told me the what to say."

"Exactly maybe the rings can tell us how to defeat them and find the source."

"Great idea but how are we suppose to make the rings talk to us I mean ring don't usually talk."

I sigh

"I don't know but we will figure it out."

It was about dinner time me and Jake made spaghetti and meatballs and it tasted awesome. Tomorrow was school so we had to sleep or we wouldn't be able to wake up.

After dinner we went to bed as I laid on my bed I was thinking if me and Jake were sibling all these 16 years how would it be? The more I thought about it the more my mind drifted off to sleep.

The noise of an alarm is the most annoying thing in the world I wouldn't get up so Jake had to literally drag me out of bed. It felt like we've been sibling all these 16 years.

We ate breakfast and headed for school. The school was a close by Jake's house so we walked.

Cindy ran up to me literally jump and hugging me till my last breath.

"Omg how are you, are you still alive? Are you feeling alive? Will you be alive?"

I looked at her with the are you stupid face.

"Cindy if I still alive I'm good."

"Oh good then, I won't need to worry."

"You didn't need to worry in the first place."

So me and Jake told Cindy that we were biological sibling and she kind of didn't look surprised, so that was simple.

As me and Jake went home we saw tons of fire trucks. In the sky I could smell smoke but this smoke smelled different. I knew this smoke, it the same smoke that I smelled at the amusement park.

I looked at Jake with a serious expression and he knew what was happening and we were running towards the smoke.

The fire fighters had fourteen was hoses and still the fire was still going. In the smoke a figure came out. I knew outline and it was Blaze. All the fire fighter started running cause of the fire spreading.

All that was left was me, Jake and Blaze He gave us that wicked smirk. I could feel my wings come out of my back. It was us against him.

" It's on...."

Hey I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a month I've been super lazy also sorry for mistakes

next chapter is "The Fight Begins"

Hope you guys like it

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