Chapter 6 The Fight Begins

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My mouth felt dry and my eyes were watery from all the smoke. My back felt warm cause my wings. In my hand I could feel a rusty old sword unlike Jake his sword was brand new.

A felt a sweat fall down from my head I didn't know what to do. Jake started running towards him but missed and then they started fighting in the sky.

I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. Jake fell from the sky and landed hard on the ground. I ran to him and his arm had a huge burn.

"Are you okay Jake?"

"Yea I'm okay but Sophie you have to get him."

"But I don't know how."

"Believe in yourself!"

I nodded I looked up and and saw Blaze smirk.

"So how do I defeat him?"

"In his chest there is a small black jewel in place of his heart, you have to brake the jewel."

"So your saying I have to stab him there?"


"How am I suppose to get that close to him!"

"Just do something!"

"Fine, here goes nothing."

I looked at my sword will it really be able stab him, I have no idea.

I flew up to him and he started throwing fire balls at me. I was scared I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly my ring started to shine, I felt a rush go through me and I knew what to do. I flew straight to him and stabbed him in the chest. I heard a crack I knew it was jewel. He gave me his signature smirk and said.

"She will get you."

And he turned to dust and all the fire disappeared, all that was left was the jewel it cracked in half and disappeared. I looked at my sword instead of being rusty and old it looked beautiful. The handle was golden and the blade was pure silver.

Jake came up to me in normal form and said

"Told you, you could do it if you believe  in yourself."

I nodded later Cindy asked me if I could come over to pick something up. When I came over Rusty jumped on me.

"Hey boy I am sorry I forgot all about you."

He wined

"Sorry sorry I promise I won't forget about you again."

He wagged he tail I went up to Cindy

"Yeah sorry Sophie I kind of forgot to give him back to you."

"It's okay thank you for taking caring of him for me."

"No problem."

After that Jake came over to my apartment because he walking us home but it started to raining really hard and I didn't want us getting stuck in the rain if I drove him back home. So basically I returned him the favor.

After dinner we and chatted he noticed a picture of me and my parents.

"So they were your parents?"

"Yeah they were the best."

"How where your parents?"

"They were the greatest in the world even though they weren't my real parents they treated me like a real daughter."

"Same but I found out I was adopted when they died."

"That must have felt bad."

"Yeah but I fine know."

"Hey Sophie we're sibling right?"

"Uh yeah."

"You live in such a small space why don't you live in my house?"


"I mean your apartment is kinda small and the neighbors must kind of being annoyed by your dogs barking."

"Well that's true."

Rusty came in the room

"What do you think Rusty should we move with Jake?"

He barked with a happy bark

"Then we will move."

We moved two weeks later at Jakes house Harry, Cindy and Layla came over to help us even though it wasn't a lot of stuff.

When we got all the stuff to Jakes house he put all the stuff in the same room I was staying in. We puts Rusty's stuff in the room next to me.

After that we sat down for ice cream since it was a hot day.

Harry: "So you guys are siblings?"

Jake:"Pretty much."

Cindy:"That's so cool!"



Layla:"But it's a surprise that you guys even found out about each other."

Cindy:"I suspect it because they looked similar."

Me:"So it was you who brought us together?"

Cindy:"Yup no need to thank me."

I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I love these moments I wish we could stay like this forever but I know that's not going to happen.

An hour later everyone left and we just watched TV together. We were watching Shark Tank (that's a real tv show) we were siting together my head was on his shoulder and Rusty's head was on my lap.

I fell asleep remembering the words Blaze had said to me, she will get you I had a bad feeling about this.

We got up and went to school and did my normal routine but we got a lot of homework because it's almost the end of the school year.

After I finished my homework I went out to get a part time job and I got excepted at a ice cream parlor. So when I went home I got free ice cream for dinner. After I was exhausted and went to bed and Rusty slept by me as always but still Blaze's words still bugged me what's does she will get you mean...

Hey thanks for reading this chapter I hoped you guys all like and sorry for mistakes

Next chapter : Chapter 7 finals

Hope you guys look forward to it

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