Chapter 9 A Unexpected Visit

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It's been 3 weeks since my 17th birthday, are vacation at the beach was over and there was only a month of summer left.

I was in the living room sitting on one of those high stools near the high table. My head was learning against the cool table, yes today was one of those days when it's hot as hell. There wasn't any ice cream in the fridge and nothing to do to keep me busy. Jake was out doing his part time job at a fancy restaurant.

"Ugh"! I hit my head against the table in frustration, "Why is it so hot!"

I heard the door bell so I got off the stool and walked lazily to door. I opened the door to find a boy looking my age with brown hair and brown eyes. He looked at the paper then looked at me. "Dam he gave me the wrong address!" He said in a low voice.
I cleared my throat loudly, "Um is there   anything I can do for you?" 

He looked up "Oh right, I'm sorry I think I got the wrong address, sorry to bother you."

"No problem I answered just as I was closing the door


He said so I reopened the door and handed me a picture. I was a picture of Jake. "Do you know this person"?

"Yes I do but why?"

"He is an old friend of mine and I came to visit him all the way from England."

"England? Why don't you have the accent?

"Oh I moved last year!"

"So you're his friend right?"

"U-um yea!"

"So then what's his name and age?!"

"His name is Jake Morgens and he turned 17, 3 weeks ago."

I actually never knew Jakes last name, looked at him and he smiled. "One minute,I left the door open to this stranger who I didn't who but maybe is Jakes friend. I went up the stairs into Jakes room and looked for a paper that had his whole name on it. I finally found one and it was Morgens all right.

I went down and the boy was still there"Alright I will till you where he lives."

"Really?!" He said excitedly

I nodded "Jake lives in this house

"Huh, he answered in confusion

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Why would I flirt with you, he does live here I'm his sister." I answers in anger

"Jake said he never said he had a sister"

"Well now he does!!"

"You don't know Jake, I'm leaving!"

"No, wait!"

He turned around and walked away, I banged the door shut. I half hour I a got a call from Jake

"Hey Sophie!"

"Hey, what's up"

"Yeah I know this is upcoming but my friend from England came without telling me !"

Oh I knew I was in trouble


"Ah yeah funny story, someone did come over but we ended fighting and he disappeared, haa oh boy"

"What are you serious!"

"I'm sorry I didn't know!"

He didn't answer but hung up, oh no what have I done. I quickly put some pairs of sneakers and ran out the door.

I ran all over the neighborhood trying to find this one guy which I didn't even know. I ran to all the stores and even trough the all the playgrounds.

~About 3 hours later
I was sitting on a bench in one of the playgrounds covered in pure sweat plus the weather was burning hot. I thought I was going to faint when I saw the ice cream shop. Three words appeared in my mind.

I see heaven {*_*}

I quickly made my way to the shop, standing at the counter was Harry.

"Oh hey Harry what a surprise!"

"Oh hey Sophie, getting some ice cream?"

"Oh hell yeah, I'll take a double scoop of vanilla."

Harry went to where all the ice team and scoop two very big scoops of ice cream on a cone and handed in to me.I was about to get my money but Harry offered to pay it for me. I thank him and sat on a chair in air conditioned ice cream parlor.

The cool ice cream cooled my throat from all that running as I was finishing I saw Harry sit down and chatting with someone who look familiar, Harry saw me and motioned me to come over. "Charley this is Sophie!" I saw the boys face "Its you!" We both shouted at the same time; I grabbed him by the arm and started to head out.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Back to Jakes house!" 

I dragged him all the way to the house with so much trouble and people staring at us because this idiot of shouting. I stopped

"Could you please shut up, look I don't like you so much the only reason I am dragging you here is for Jake."

He suddenly got quiet and obediently followed me back to the house. When we arrived Jake was sitting on one of the steps in front of the door with his hands on his forehead. Once he saw me he ran up do me and apologized. "Sorry I shouted at you, I didn't mean it!"

"It's okay it WAZ my fault but I brought your friend back here."

"Charley!" He shouted in excitement giving a man hug to each other. We all went inside and Jake told Charley about how we ended up finding out we were sibling but skipping the magic parts of course. He ended up staying for a week or two but during those weeks we made a strong friendship not romantic way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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