Chapter 2 Hints

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I couldn't believe it I thought while I was in math class my parents are not my real parents. I looked at the window the sun was shining brightly that it was blinding my eyes.

Why didn't they tell me that they were not my biological parents they could have said something like, hey Sophie we are not your biological parents so you're okay with that right?

I was so caught up in my thinking that that I didn't hear Mr fox calling my name to answer the math question.

"Sophie do you know the answer?"

"Um sorry can you repeat the question again?"

He sighed very loudly. The bell ringed and everyone was packing for the next class. I finished packing and was the last to exit the door and Mr Fox stood in front of the door.

"Sophie we need to talk."

"Um okay."

I walked over to Mr Fox's desk and I pulled a chair over to sit down.

"Sophie I have noticed that you haven't been yourself lately."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been spacing out a lot this whole week, is something wrong?"

Suddenly I had a fast flashback of the paper.

"No nothing is wrong."

He gave me the I don't believe you look.

"Alright if you say so, then I trust you."

I finally got out of the room , while walking I felt so bad for not telling him the truth. I was late for Social Studies, but the teacher didn't mind.

I didn't want to see myself getting upset so I asked the teacher to go to the nurse. While I was walking to the nurse I passed Jake in the hall. I waved at him , but I guess he didn't see me.

When I entered the nurses office nobody was there so I helped myself and went to a bed. While I was looking at the ceiling tears started coming out of my eyes. I turned over and put my hands on my face and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up and it was pitch dark.

"Hello, anyone here?"

"Please anyone just don't leave me alone."

Then I saw a light so, of course I got up and sprinted toward it. The light started to shine so brightly that I had to cover my eyes. The setting changed ,it was all green trees and grass. Then suddenly I heard cries.

"Waaaah, Waaah"

It was the sound of children. I walked towards the cries and saw a big temple with lots of stairs. Finally when I was on top of the stairs. There was a big heavy door but when I pushed the door I went right through the door I didn't even touch it.

The cries were getting very loud. I walked and there was long, fancy, skinny table. On top of the table was a basket with two children a boy and a girl. They were twins both had black hair and blue eyes like me. Could the the girl be me? But then who is the boy.

Suddenly the doors opened.

"Marie, John look the door is open, we got it open."

My eyes widened.

"Mom, dad ,I'm so happy to see you , I missed you guys so much."

Tears started to fill my eyes of happiness. I ran toward them to give them a hug but I went through them like a ghost. They didn't notice me at all. They walked towards the two children.

"So these are the children that carry the power of light and darkness."

What are they talking about power of light and darkness, what is that? The scenery changed into a science lab. There were lots of tubes with different kinds of liquids in many colors. I walked over to a table and there were two rings, a golden one and a black ring. There were my parents working on something. Then mom went towards the rings.

"Sophie, Jake come here for a minute."

Wait Sophie, that's my name it couldn't be. The children ran towards mom.

"What is it mommy?"

Both of the children said it at the same time. Mom picked the rings and gave the black one to Jake and the golden one to Sophie.

"What are these mommy?"

"These are the rings that we made for you when you wear them your power will be in these rings."

"Why can't I keep my power, I promise not to show anyone."

"When you get older."




This seemed so familiar. Then I heard a loud voice.

"These are your lost memories."

"My lost memories?"

I watched as the children picked up the ring and put it on. Suddenly in their light came out of their eyes and they started floating. As they slowly levitated back to the ground they started to sleep. Mom started crying she kneeled down and hugged them both.

"I'm sorry Sophie, Jake I'm sorry."

Even though she could not see or hear or feel me I leaned over to give her a hug.

"It's okay mom, I forgive you" I said.

I closed my eyes while hugging her. when I opened my eyes again I felt tears and I was hugging Cindy.


"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, that just show you love me."


She sticks out her tongue in a playful way.

"By the way what were you dreaming, you had tears."

I smiled

"The past."

"The past?"

"Cindy I want you to meets my parents"

"What but I have to get ready and look nice."

"Don't worry we are going now."

We walked towards the graveyard where my parent were buried.

"Mom, dad this is my new friend , Cindy."

"Thank you for being my parents ."

The sun started to set with a mix of black in it, it looked beautiful. When I arrived at my mail box there was a letter of the department. They found my parent will and wanted me to come next week to read it.

"Finally I can learn the truth."

To be continued ....

Thanks for reading my second chapter sorry if there are any errors my next chapter is coming out soon called The Truth hope you enjoy it also thanks again for reading it

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