Chapter 8 Vacation At The Beach

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The shining sun I have been waiting for. Cindy, Harry, Jake,Layla and me plus Rusty decided to go to the beach together  for vacation. Apparently Layla said we could use her family's beach house. When we got to the house we all chose are rooms except there weren't enough so I shared a room with Layla.

We entered the dining room where on the table there was a hug cut up watermelon on a huge plate. A few seconds later Harry,Cindy and Jake came in and saw the watermelon.

Harry:"Holy cow that looks good!"

Layla:"It not only looks good but tastes amazing, everyone dig in!"

We all took a piece and savored the taste. It was so tasty, it was one of the best watermelons I've ever tasted. After we ate we put on are swimsuits and headed to the beach, I was making a sandcastle while everyone else was in the water after I was done I headed under an umbrella and laid on a towel.

My eyes feeling heavy, slowly my eyes were closing and pulling me into a sweet dream.

Me:"Mama, Daddy look I made a sand castle."

Mom:"Oh that looks amazing Sophie, did you make it by yourself?"

Me:"Yeah it's so cool!"

Dad:"Let's take a picture say cheese..."

I opened my eyes feeling tears on my cheek and some still in my eyes.

Everyone was sitting under a umbrella eating barbecue. I wiped my face and ran over there.

"You guys didn't wake me up for the food!"

Cindy:"You were sleeping"

"Doesn't mean I don't want food!"

We ate and headed back to the house it was evening. We all headed in and started to watch a horror movie "Crimson Peak".

After that we went to bed, I wasn't tired so I sneaked out of the house. I changed into a white dress that was a little higher than my knees with skinny straps. I took Rusty out with me because he was in all day.

It was warm and moist, I carried my flip-flops and walk in the water letting my feet feel the cold water. Rusty was walking along with his paws in the water.

I stopped walking and faced the ocean looking at the endless waves. They gently rose and quickly went back into the water. I close my eyes listing to the sound of waves. I opened my eyes watching rusty play in the water with his tongue out with happiness.

He tasted the water and made a displeasing face. I laughed but stopped smiling. I felt tears fall down on my cheeks I closed my eyes thinking of mom and dad. I sat down on the uncomfortable sand and hugged my knees. I put my head in my legs and started to cry.

Oh it's been so long since I've cried like this. I looked up and saw the bright moon reflect on the water , suddenly Rusty began to bark furiously.

"Hey Rusty what's wrong?!"

"Bark Bark"

Suddenly a dark aura came where the moon reflection was and on top of the water came a woman. She had red blood eyes and long dark jet black hair with pale skin. She was wearing a dark purple dress with roses.

She looked at me and smiled that gave me a shiver to my spine.

"So you are Sophie Larson or should I call you Angel Of Light?"

I  made a orb of light and threw at her but she stopped the orb and crushed it.

"Who are you?!"

"You will find out soon, you know you should stop destroying the Devils!"

"And why should I, so the whole world gets destroyed, I don't think so!"

"The more you destroy the more your brother will disappear."

"What do you mean!?"

"You will find out!"

"No, tell me now!"

I threw another orb which was wasting my power.

"Let's say I am his creator or maybe he carries my blood!"

"What, I don't understand?"

"Oh you soon will."

She gave me another shivering smile and disappeared. Her magic was powerful, I could feel it.

I quickly ran back to the house hoping Jake was there. I stopped at his door hoping he was there. I opened the door walking in the room towards the bed, there  was nobody there.

I sank to my knees

"No, Jake!"

Then somebody entered the room, it was Jake.

"Sophie, what are you doing here?"

I ran up to him giving him a big hug like I haven't seen him for years.

"Wow, hey what's wrong!"

"It's nothing, I had a bad dream that you disappeared forever."

He lifted his hands and put them around me and looked into my eyes.

"I won't leave you alone, don't worry!"

We stood there for a few minutes like that, then I pushed myself away.

"Thanks Jake I feel a lot better."

He nodded

I walked out of my room trying to get to Layla's  room without thinking of the  bad thing that happened on the beach.

As I went to sleep I thought of her shivering smile. Slowly by slowly my eyes started to drift heavily my eyes closed to sleep.

~Morning Time

As I was sleeping I felt someone come in the room but didn't care. I turned around opening my eyes, my heart skipped a beat. In front of me all my friends were standing next to my bed screaming happy birthday including Jake.

I forgot today was mine and Jakes 17 birthday and I totally forgot about the present I got Jake for his birthday. I got him a Apple Watch with all the extra money I earned at my job. We all went downstairs in are pajamas and everyone made me and Jake pancakes for breakfast.

In the corner of the house I could see present all stacked up. Harry caught me looking and said

"We will open those later."

I nodded

After breakfast we went to the movie later and saw Maze runner, it was a great movie and I enjoyed it. Later we had dinner at Olive Garden then went back. At the house me and Jake opens are present.

Jake got was express gift card from Layla, a new version of Call of Duty video game from Harry, from Cindy he got was a new pair of Beats headphones and from me he got an Apple Watch. What I got was from Layla a Forever 21 gift card, a locked heart from Harry, from Cindy I got also got Beats. But from Jake I also got an Apple Watch.

It was funny how we both got each other the same thing in the same color, golden. After about 1am we all went to sleep. It was the most funniest birthday I had since my parents passed away and I will always remember it.

That's a wrap for this chapter but I'm still thinking what to do for the next chapter so keep reading

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