Present or Nightmare?

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Nikki's POV

"John your excuses are starting to pile up."

I lowered my voice as I walked into the kitchen and spotted James watching cartoons in the living room. I took the phone off of speaker and pressed it up against my ear.

"John we are not playing Jenga, eventually people are going to see through your excuses and your world is going to come tumbling down. And I will no longer be there to pick up the pieces."

"Nik trust me if I could be there, I would be. How about I get them tomorrow for the later end of the day, is that ok?"

"Yeah that will work out I have to go to a photoshoot tomorrow anyway. So just text me and keep me udpated."

I pressed the end button and proceeded downstairs to the den where I found Tori and Tanner sitting, and playing some bloody video game. 

"Hey guys I have to go meet a few people for a business lunch, can you guys say here and keep an eye on James please?" 

Tanner and Tori looked at eachother with miserable expressions on their face and then both agreed to watch James. 

Tori's POV 

Me and Tanner made our way upstairs to the living room so when my mom left James wouldn't be upstairs alone.

"Alright kids I will be back before dinner, love you guys." She then gave us each a kiss on the forehead and was out in the driveway starting up the engine to her Range Rover. 

Tanner offered to play a racing game with James and I offered to play a board game but he turned both down. 

"So what do you want to do buddy?" 

 James finally piped up, "I want to get my present!"

Tanner bent down to James' level, "Buddy what present? You opened all your presents on your birthday."

James took Tanner's hand and brought him into the spare bedroom down at the end of the hall. 

"At my party Eva and Randy hid an evnelope under the matress. That's my present right?" Me and Tanner looked at either confused, and a little nervous. 

"Hey buddy why don't you go to the kitchen, get a bowl and some sprinkles and I will be there in a few minutes with the ice cream." With a blink of an eye he was already reaching for the sprinkles. 

"Ok it's now or never." Tanner lifted up the matress and I grabbed the manilla envelope underneath. 

I lifted the broken seal and slid out the contents of the envelope. I looked behind my shoulder at Tanner, I wasn't the only whos jaw had dropped. 

"What are we going to do?" Tanner ripped the pictures from my hands and walked towards the door. 

"You're going to keep your mouth shut, and let me deal with it."

Tanner's POV

The doorknob turned and the door creeked open. He was startle by my presence but to him it was just a black silhouette of a body sitting on the couch. He came into the living room and Randy looked me straight in the eyes.

"Did your mistress keep you up late tonight?"

Nikki Bella and Not JohnWhere stories live. Discover now