It's Not Your Place to Disapprove

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Tori's POV 

I guess it true, people's ears must really ring when other people talk about them. 

"Randy your the very last person I want to talk to at the moment!" 

"Tori please just here me out, it is the least I could do." On the verge of seeing a grown man give me the puppy dog eyes, I caved. 

"Two minutes...three tops!" He took a seat on the edge my bed. I locked the door and then sat next to him along with Tanner. 

He's right, he did owe this to me, to us, we may not be his kids by blood but by loyalty. And loyalty is stronger that blood anyday.

"It was a moment of weakness, I had a few beers in me and like any person would be I was under the influence and made the biggest mistake of my life. I would give up mostly anything to erase everything that happened that night."


"What do you mean by mostly everything?" I could see the sadness resting in his eyes. 

"There is one thing that I would not trade for everything in the world, and that's being able to be apart of this family. And I know I look and trust me I feel like the biggest jerk in the world but this family is something that special to me and I never want to lose." Coming from a grown ass man that never shows his sad side, I took those words to heart. 

I leaned into his chest and he wrapped his arm around my back, it felt comforting for some reason. My dad used to do it when we watch movies on rainy days....I mean when we used to watch them. 

I looked up at him, "There is too many father daughter memories that I would go down the drain if I couldn't forgive you." 

Nikki's POV

The past few days had been odd, I have been texting John about the kid's schedules but he has only been reading the texts and not responding. We were both preforming at the live show tonight so I figured I could ask him what the plan would be for the next few weeks. 

When Brie, Bryan, and I arrived at the arena I departed from them and went to find John. I asked a few Superstars and Divas but none of them had seen him around. I gave up and made my way to the costume designer's to pick up my ring gear. I spotted someone in the corner of the hallway it was John, he was passed out on a folding chair. He never slept at work, no one did really. 

"John, hey John wake up." I started to nudge his shoulder.

"Nikki what are you doing..." He looked confused...extremely confused.

"You're sleeping backstage. Have you been drinking?"

"No I never would at work, I guess I just didn't get a good enough sleep last night." He started to walk away but I couldn't let him go like that. 

"John what's wrong, and don't you dare lie to me!" He looked at me and his eyes showed pain and his slouched body said weak and depressed. 

"It's just...the news of you and Randy hit me harder than I thought. You know at a young age I got this thought in my head that you would be mine forvever and I know I'm not one to be talking but..." 

"John you will always be someone I care about but we've been done for awhile now. And you are right you shouldn't be one to talk, just because I've finally moved on doesn't mean you get to sit here and regret your decisions!' 

"But Nik.." 

"No John I don't deserve to be bogged down by your disapproval. I was nothing but faithful to you. But life moves on so did we!"

Eva's POV

"Hey baby, long time no see." His body was so toned and tanned. 

His lips meet mine and our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. 

And the tattoos down his arms just made him all the more sexier.

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