💙 Chapter 1💙

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"Felix! Felix! Get your ass up!!" Jeongin Felix best friend yelled

"What! What!"

"I found my soulmate!!"

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"I found my soulmate!!"

"REALLY!?!" Jeongin hugged Felix and he hugged back but Felix felt kinda jealous, he wish he could of found his one first but he's really happy for his best friend "Wow, Innie your eyes are red" he said pulling Jeongin face to get a better look

"It's actually scarlet red"

"It's red -.- " Felix wrap himself up in a blanket "so... who's your soulmate? How did you guys meet?"

"His name is Chan and I was getting groceries because I noticed I needed some, I went and long story short I tripped and he caught me and that's when I noticed his eyes turn scarlet red" Jeongin said excitedly

"Awww no fair, your first time meeting your soulmate sounds like a literally fairy tail" Felix whined "I hope I meet mines too" he said under his breath "so tell me more"

"Well when we realize we were each other's soulmate he immediately hugged me and said 'I was waiting for you' ajsksvsj he's too cute"

Aww that's really cute, I wonder how would my soulmate react

Jeongin continued "He's really really handsome and he's Australian"

"Wow, just like me"

"Yeah, he's 24 and runs a business with his best friend, he's just too perfect" Jeongin said with literal hearts in his eyes

"That's amazing Innie, I'm really happy for you" Felix said

"Thanks, and I know you really want to find your soulmate too but u know what else you should be looking for....a job" Felix smile drop as he cover his head with the sheet "nooo I don't wanna!" Felix whined

Jeongin shook Felix as he tried to take away the sheet "u said you'll try to get one this week, your rent is due at the end of this month"

Felix poke his head out "Yeah and it's the middle I'll figure it out later" he then cover back up

"No you'll do it today"

"How am I going to get a job today?"

"I'll ask Chan if he's hiring" Jeongin was going to take out his phone but Felix immediately took it "no! There's no way you're going to ask your soulmate to hire your sad ass friend"

"Come on Lixie!! he's working in a huge company so you'll get a good salary and you'll be able to pay off your debt" Jeongin begged as he tried to take back his phone

"I said no! U just met him so I'm not going to let you ask him for something on the first day u met"

"Come on Lixie, u have to do it before all your debt comes back to hit you"

"Don't worry they won't, ok, I'll handle them"

"If you say so" Jeongin said putting up this hands

*Two weeks later*

Felix was drinking his coffee while looking through a magazine, when he heard a knock on the door "who's knocking on my door so early in the morning?" Felix sigh as he got up and opened it to see his landlord

"Felix I've been giving you some chances but this mouth I really need you to pay" he said as he invited himself in

Felix held his head, yeah he owns the place but that doesn't mean he could just walk in, Felix is already accustomed to it so.. "I'm sorry but it's hard to get a job" yeah he got a free pass to a job from Jeongin but it's kinda weird to be working with your best friend boyfriend.... right? Or is it that he's just jealous?

"Felix I would have to throw you out-"

"What! No-"

"Listen ok, I'll give you some extra time to get the money but u have to pay this month, got it?"

Felix sigh "ok I'll do my best" the said and landlord nodded and left

"Ahhhhhhh!" Felix drop his head on the counter, it's not that.. it's hard to get one....(he lied) he's just not interested in those jobs and the ones he's interested in they never call him back but his application is really good...he thinks

Felix took out his phone and called Jeongin "Felix hey, what's up?"

"Innie I...kinda need your help now"

"What is it?"

"Can you get me the job?" Felix said squinting his eyes

"Yeah of course, Chan is here with me, look you could talk to him"


"Hi, Felix it's so good to talk to you for the first time" yeah so what? Felix made up fake excuses so he don't met Chan, it doesn't make him a bad person, right? Chan continued "I heard you want a job, if you want I could help you with that"

"Hi Chan...and yeah I really need it so yes can u help me"

"Ok well... my boss-"

"Wait I thought u run a business with your friend?"

"Yeah I do but he's the one that came up with everything and I just followed along so I call him my boss but not in front his face" Chan said laughing "but yeah, he was actually getting frustrated and I told him he should get another secretary, well not really a secretary just someone to help him out"

First thing Felix thought was 'servant' so I'm basically becoming someone's servant? great he thought "yeah ok whatever it is I'll do it"

"Great I'll tell him and set up an interview with him"

"Ok thanks Chan"

"No problem" then they hung up

Oh I should of ask him what they do?... Eh I'll just go with whatever I get


Hey everyone it's your favorite bitch who can't tell the difference between 'your' and 'you're'

Wow I didn't expect this book to blow up so fast 🤧
Thank you so much<3

All my books are completed and I'm writing lots more
Thanks again ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Edited: I have a new Hyunlix book up! Check it out~

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