💙 Chapter 6💙

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"Hyunjin look at him, he's way better than our competition" Seungmin said playing with Felix cheeks

"I can't be a model" Felix said feeling uneasy

"Right u heard what he said" Hyunjin said

"Felix pleasseee! We'll take baby steps and help you out"

"Seungmin i-"

"No. He's my soulmate and I decide what he does, now get out" Hyunjin said with his deep dark voice

That's when he's really angry and Seungmin knows not to mess with him when he's like this, he sigh, he bowed at his boss and left

Chan was going to say something but Hyunjin stop him "get out"

Chan left, remembering to deal with him when he cools down. Felix felt like it was his fault he agued with his friends so he was going to leave but Hyunjin stopped him "stay for a minute"

Felix nodded and sat on the seat in front of him, Hyunjin pulled up his sleeves and push back his hair and went back to look through the file he got from Seungmin

Wow Felix thought, how can someone look this good while they're angry, Felix wonder how Hyunjin is working behind the scenes of these models while he's looking like that

Hyunjin looked up "you're staring" he said and Felix turned bright red


Hyunjin smiled but it faded stop! "Go buy me lunch, I want the Bbq rainbow salad, make sure the radishes are thinly sliced and the cucumbers cut into ribbons, make sure they put 5 slices of avocado and no sesame seed and don't drizzle oil on top, it's gross"

"Ahhhhh....? Can you repeat"

Hyunjin scoffed "no, get one thing wrong and I'll fire you"

Felix got up and nodded "I'll try my best!" He said and ran out

Hyunjin chuckled cute he shook his head "stoppp!!!" Hyunjin held his head "what is wrong with me" he said while an image of Felix smiling came in his mind

He sigh as he got up and left his office

*Felix pov*

"I didn't even ask what restaurant I'm suppose to get that in" he said annoyed, he was calling Hyunjin but he wasn't picking up ahh what is he doing?

"Excuse me, do you know where I can get the bbq rainbow salad?" He said stopping some lady but she shook her head

It took awhile but someone told him it was available in a cafe 10 minutes away, he took a taxi and got there, it was a pretty little cafe, the walls were mostly glass so anyone passing by could see the plants that were showing from inside. It also had a flower garden at front, it was so relaxing

As he entered the smell of coffee hit his nose, his eyes lit up seeing brownies and other cute desserts focus Felix! You can't get fired, you still need to win his heart Felix thought as he went back to his mission

"Hi what can I get you?" A guy said

"Hi..uh..do you know Mr. Hwang order?" Felix said hoping that the guy know but sadly he didn't "damnit, can I get the bbq rainbow salad..with.. radish...and- ah fuck I give up" he said and the guy laughed

"Lemme guess, it's your boss order" he said and Felix nodded "I get that a lot, it always happens"

"Then what do I do?" Felix said pouting and the guy found it cute

"Buy something that you find delicious and hopefully they'll like it and forget about firing you, it works don't worry" Felix smiled and agreed, he'll take the risk

He noticed 'sweet and sour chicken with stir fry and salad' something he eats now and then and found really delicious so he went with that

After a few minutes it was ready and smell really good, "I saw you looking at the brownies and I wanted to give this to you" the guy said giving Felix some brownies that was in a clear plastic container with a ribbon tied around

"Aww thank you very much" he said bowing "I'll visit soon..... Bambam" he said looking at his name tag

"I'll be waiting...." He said waiting for the younger boy name


"Felix, cute name" Felix smiled and then left waving at Bambam

As he left he could feel his heart beating calm down Felix he said as like a girl that just fell in love

He got back but the whole ride he was day dreaming about..the cafe guy. He went up the elevator and as he got to the top floor he slightly hit his face as he got off

He got to Hyunjin's office door and knocked, he heard a come in and as he open it he saw Seungmin, Chan and Hyunjin in the office together laughing and talking "did you eat my salad while you were at?" Hyunjin said

"Sorry...it.. didn't have it on the menu and I was calling but you didn't answer" Felix said feeling nervous about what he bought

"Oh really" Hyunjin said raising an eyebrow "let's see what you got me then"

Seungmin and Chan looked at each other with a look that said 'he's dead'


Oooo two chapters in one day👏 also ✨ BAMBAM ✨

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