💙 Chapter 11💙

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Hwang_Hyunjin: Work Work Work 🙄🌃

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Hwang_Hyunjin: Work Work Work 🙄🌃

"Hyunjin come on Felix is waiting for you!" Seungmin yelled and Hyunjin came out the dressing room

"How do I look?" He ask while fixing his suit

"Expensive, literally cuz that suit cost more than my whole life" Seungmin said and Hyunjin laughed "how's Felix?"

"U need to see for yourself"

"fine..-_-" he went out and they both got to the lobby to see Felix waiting

Hyunjin eyes widened seeing that someone could look cute and sexy at the same time, like is that even possible!? "Great u look-... I mean u look great"

Felix chuckled "thanks, u too"

"I love to see two soulmates flirt with each but right now u need to get to that party" Seungmin interrupted

They went out and a Rolls Royce car was waiting outside, Felix being the poor ass he was, was amazed by it. The doors open from the other way and the insides was golden, there was a tinted screen blocking the driver and them. It had a small tv at the back- OH MY GOD IT HAD CUPHOLDERS, REALLY NICE CUPHOLDERS!

Enough with the cupholders, they got in and the ride took an hour to reach there, Felix and Hyunjin didn't say word to each other until now

"We're almost there" Hyunjin said and Felix hummed as a response "remember don't talk unless spoken too and don't walk off, stay by me until we leave"

"Ok" Felix said playing it off cool but was actually nervous as hell

The car pulled over at a fancy building that had paparazzi waiting outside. The driver came and opened the door on Felix's side and immediately hundreds of flashing lights was all over him

"Look here!" They all shouted

Felix barely could see where he was going but suddenly someone held his arm and led him inside. The flashing lights was now gone so Felix saw that Hyunjin was holding on to his arm, he mumble a small thanks that was replied by a smile

"Mr. Hwang I'm glad you're able to make it" Kim Hongjoong the owner of Ateez agency said

Felix finally noticed the huge room that was filled with expensive looking people, he got nervous again but the Hongjoong guy showed him a nice smile so it made him a bit more comfortable

"Mr. Kim, my trusty ally of course I'm here" he said showing a smile

"And who is this?" Hongjoong asked looking at Felix

"I'm Lee Felix, it's a pleasure to meet you" Felix said bowing

"Ooo Mr. Hwang u got yourself a handsome looking secretary"

"Yeah, all thanks to Chan"

"Speaking of him where is he?"

"He couldn't make it today, he found his soulmate not to long ago now he's giving him all his time" Hyunjin joked

"Ah soulmate, I'm happy for him but what about u, haven't found the lucky one yet?"

"No, still searching" Felix looked away, if Hyunjin keep saying that in front of him his heart is gonna explode

"Hiii, everyone"

"Wooyoung-ssi, I see you're very energetic tonight" Hyunjin said

"Well I was stuffing my face by the chocolate fountain but I saw u and came to say hi also who's that?" He said pointing to Felix

"Hi, I'm Lee Felix"

"Awww he's cute, can I take him?"

"Sure but bring him back" Wooyoung immediately took Felix and pulled him to the chocolate fountain

"You can call me Wooyoung"

"Nice to meet u" Felix said shyly

"You're new so you're trying to make a good impression but don't worry about that around me, we can talk casual with each other" Wooyoung said excitedly

"Are u sure? I don't-"

"It's ok, I just want to make a friend orrr a son, yeah let me adopt u!" Felix smiled at the weird boy "my husband would love u"

"You're married?...Oh! your eyes are pink" Felix said now noticing it

"Yep, I love yours"

"Oh yeah....I forgot about mines" Felix said mumbling the last part but Wooyoung heard

"How can u forget? Seeing your soulmate would instantly make u remember"

Of course looking at your soulmate u would remember but what if your soulmate eyes are a different color? Sometimes Felix forgets but when he do remember his heart starts to hurt

"Who's your soulmate is he here?" Felix said changing the subject

"Yeah he's the one with the pink hair" Wooyoung said pointing to his husband that was talking with some guy

"Wow both of u are attractive"

"I know right! And with u as our son we'll be the most attractive family"

Felix smile, talking with Wooyoung definitely made him feel better about a lot of things, he's just a comforting person to be around

"Haha I'll love to be in your family"

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