💙 Chapter 2💙

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Felix was running around his apartment looking for his resume while munching on some toast where did I put it!? He thought as he threw some papers on the ground

"Felix hurry or you'll gonna be late" Jeongin shouted from living room of Felix apartment

"Just now I'm looking for my resume"

Jeongin sigh as he held his head but then something caught his eye "your resume is on the couch you idiot!"

Ah right I left it there last night when Chan called to tell me that his boss wants to interview me Felix groaned as he quickly put on a normal jeans with a white shirt as he ran out

"You're wearing that?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just an interview" Felix pulled Jeongin hand as they made it out the apartment

While Jeongin was driving Felix hurriedly trying to fix everything, all this papers he's carrying is all over the place "Felix calm down, why are you so frantic?"

"I..I don't know, I never act like this when I'm going to my other interviews"

"Don't worry, breath and relax, you're gonna do just fine"

"Thanks Innie" Felix calm down a bit and enjoyed the drive to Chan work place

"We're here"

"I-Innie....what are we doing here?" Felix asked nervously

"It's where Chan work, and u too"

"No! That's the best modeling agency in the whole of Korea!" Felix yelled "awww I forgot to ask, I was so busy preparing"


"OH?? Ahhhhh I can't go in there" Felix looked down "I'M GOING TO GET A JOB IN THE BEST MODELING AGENCY WEARING THIS" He said looking at his plain white shirt

"Stop worrying about what you're wearing, that doesn't matter"

"I think it does" Felix said throwing his head back

"The H&B modeling agency, would be lucky to have you, so do your best ok? Fighting<3"

Felix smiled "ok then, I think I'm ready" Felix started hyping himself up as he came out the car

As Felix closed the door Jeongin immediately drove away "What! He's leaving me!?"

Jeongin didn't tell Felix about Chan's boss, he's mean, rude, loud mouth and terrifying when he's mad but Chan still loves him but if you don't know him personally then he's a real ass when it comes to first impression

Felix sigh and walked in the huge building, he told the receptionist that he came for an interview and after a while of waiting he finally got on an elevator and headed up to the top floor

The elevator opened and the amount of light the huge window was showing was making the place look lively. Models was walking pass Felix, wearing really nice/expensive clothes

He felt awkward walking to the boss office because a lot of people were staring at him, I really should of dressed properly Felix thought keeping his head low but that wasn't the reason why people were looking at him

He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' from the other side. He entered as he kept his head down, feeling embarrassed of the way he dressed "H-hi, I'm Felix I came for the interview"

"Oh yes, have a seat"a manly voice said, Felix kept his head low but he was able to see the person hand

He sat still not looking up, he could feel the guy glaring at him "so... Felix.. Chan recommend you, I want to know why"

"I..uh.. I'm friends with his soulmate a-and I needed a job so he h-helped me" Felix said playing with his fingers, the guy glare was intense and it made him nervous

"So u needed charity?" The guy said boldly in a pissed off tone

Felix scoffed in this mind "no sir, he offered to help and I took it"

He could hear the guy sigh "this is a place of business, if you're going to work here I need respect" he said almost like he was close to yelling

"I-i'm sorry, I just-" before Felix could say anything he heard the guy get up, he could see his feet standing right in front him "sir i-" suddenly his jaw was harshly pulled, Felix closed this eyes hoping the guy let go

"Look at me" he said with a demanding tone, their faces was inches apart, Felix could feel the guy's breath hitting his face

Felix took all his bravery and opened his eyes

Felix's eyes widened as he saw the color change in the guy eyes

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Felix's eyes widened as he saw the color change in the guy eyes. "Y-you are my s-soulmate?" Felix said feeling his heart beating really fast

The guy scoffed and stepped back "yeah, you're sure right" he then took a seat on the table staring at Felix who had an over happy smile on his face

"Oh my god! I finally got to met you... I've been waiting for this my whole life" Felix said standing up smiling like a manic

"Calm down you're not my soulmate"

Felix gave him a confuse look "You're eyes chose your soulmate, me" he said pointing to himself

"I chose my soulmate not my eyes" the guy got up "yeah it change it's color, I'm not denying that but we're not soulmate so please leave"


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