💙 Chapter 16💙

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"I wasn't accepted too" Bambam said showing his eyes that were a light green color

"I-i..am.. how?" Felix said, Bambam is such a great guy so how could someone not accept him

"My eyes didn't choose right, it was a girl who didn't love me to begin with"

"Yeah I know how that feels" Felix said looking down

"Felix-" Hyunjin saw a tear roll down Felix's cheek, not accepting him hurt him that bad? Hyunjin thought of it as a game, he played with his emotions but why seeing him in pain hurts?

Before Hyunjin could do anything Bambam's hand touch Felix's cheek and wipe away his tears, he made Felix look at him as he slowly made his way closer to Felix's lips

They were inches apart when suddenly Hyunjin's hand came over Bambam's mouth pushing him away. He grab Felix's hand and pulled him to the back of the counter that had a door on the left side

He opened it and was met with the sight of a kitchen, he quickly looked around and saw a door that he's guessing would lead to the outside. He pulled Felix who was fighting back

Bambam was still on the floor, he twisted his ankle when he fell back

Hyunjin knew they won't lock Bambam inside so it must have an exit he could leave from and he was right, the back door was unlocked "Hyunjin let go of me!" Felix yelled trying to get his hand out of Hyunjin's grip

Hyunjin didn't say anything and kept pulling Felix through the creepy alleyway "Hyunjin stop! Please why are u doing this?"

"I don't know ok!" He shouted back, now looking back at Felix with his usual death glare "I can't see u kiss someone else and how dare u kiss someone in front of me!"

"You're a fucking asshole! U said u didn't want me as your soulmate so what's your problem if I kiss someone else!?" Felix said as his hand started getting numb

"I don't know! Stop talking!" He said looking away

"Fuck u! U ruined my first kiss and I was kinda happy it was going to happen with a nice guy" Felix said also looking away

Hyunjin emotions start exploding, he was so angry how could he say that when I'm right in front of him!? Hyunjin didn't think for second and suddenly held Felix's neck and pulled him into a kiss

Taking his first kiss away

Felix didn't kiss back but instead bit Hyunjin's tongue. He pulled away with blood on his lip "WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS WRONG WITH U! HOW CAN U DO THAT AFTER EVERYTHING I TOLD U!" Felix anger was on another level, he was so mad that he was able to get out of Hyunjin's grip and slap him across his face, leaving a red hand print

Hyunjin face flew to the side from the impact, it reminded him how his father hit him and suddenly his memories, his sad memories came back like a flood, drowning him in his own misery


"U did too" he said in a low tone, first kiss gone and now his cold heart started melting

Felix didn't know what to say, he was shock to say the least, the famous Hwang Hyunjin never had his first kiss Wow and his wannabe soulmate took it away yeah give this jackass an applause he was able to make Felix now feel bad when it was still his fault

Felix left, he couldn't stand being by him what an asshole!?

*Few days later*

"Chan where the fuck is Hyunjin?" Seungmin said as he entered Chan's office

He didn't look up "uh.. yeah a turkey sandwich sounds good"

Seungmin squinted his eyes as he made his way to Chan, "Chan?"

"Hmm" he hummed still not looking up, his eyes didn't came off the paper in front of him

"Chan!!" Seungmin yelled as he pulled away the paper, making Chan startled by the suddenly movement "what? what? Is there a fire?"

"No and what happen to u? U look like u haven't slept in days" Seungmin said looking at Chan who had dark circles under his eyes and had an worn out expression

"Sorry but ever since Hyunjin disappeared, suddenly all our work was throw on me, I can't sleep or even get a break for a minute" he said covering his face but looking back up, afraid he might fall asleep

"Ok stop and go and rest, this isn't good for your health"

"I can't, we still have a business to run"

Seungmin hates to admit it but he's right "call someone to help u, maybe Felix... wait where is he?"

"Dead, just like Hyunjin"

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