💙 Chapter 4💙

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Felix's stomach growl "ahh I'm hungry" he said still wrapped up in his blanket "I should eat, it's not like that asshole gonna starve himself for me" Felix said as he got up and walked to his kitchen, he opened the fridge and saw a lot of food with a note

'I made some food for you, hope you eat it'

Felix smiled "ahh I'm such a jerk! why did I ignore my best friend because of something like that" Felix took some food and heated it up, while eating he decided to call Jeongin and apologize but he didn't pick up I hope he isn't mad at me :(

Felix was going to call again but an unknown number called, he denied the call and tried to call Jeongin again but he didn't pick up and then the unknown number called again "ahhh!"

"Who tf are you?" He yelled as he answered the called

"Your boss -_- you start work tomorrow, 7 sharp so don't be late"


"Yes" and then the phone hung up

"Pff~ he didn't ask if I wanted to work with him, I could of said no" Felix said rolling his eyes but he knew he couldn't deny the offer

After 5 minutes he heard a knock at his door, he left the food on the table as he answered the door to see Jeongin "Lix, how are you? Are u feeling better?"

"Innie I'm really really sorry for how I treated you" Felix immediately hugged Jeongin and he hugged back "I'm better I promise"

They went back at the table and Felix continued eating "what you gonna do now?" Jeongin asked

"What mean?"

"U know, your... soulmate"

"Oh...uh..." Felix breath in and had a serious look on his face "I'm gonna make him like me"

"Uh.... that's the spirit!!...I guess" Jeongin said feeling like it's not a good idea

"Yeah ✊ I don't know about his shitty attitude but I'm sure deep deep deep deep deep down he's a good person"

"That's a...lot of deep"

"I was being generous"

"Is he that bad?"

"Yeah but like I said I think he has a good side, he called me and said I got the job"

"He called you!?!!"

"Yeah surprisingly, Chan really did convince him"

"Yeah I guess....he did"


"You called him!?!!" Chan yelled

"Yeah" Hyunjin said with a flat tone sitting on his chair

"But....I didn't even need to convince you?!" Chan said leading on Hyunjin's table

"You didn't need to, I know you wanted him to work here so I skip you scolding me and did it"

"Wow for once my nagging came in handy"

"Yeah whatever" said Hyunjin rolling his eyes

"Do you really hate him that much?"

"I don't hate him...I just hate that my eyes picked him"

"Ummm..... that's good so you're not going to treat him badly?"

"Oh I am" he said with a evil look on his face "i never met my soulmate but I promise myself when I do I'm gonna make his life a living hell"

"Hyunjin u can't do that, he's a good person"

"I don't care what kind of person he is, he's just a pain in my ass and one day I hope he goes away"

Chan sigh, Hyunjin always hated his soulmate so there's no use talking to him about this subject good luck Felix

*Next day*

Felix got up early and got ready, be put on his best clothes and left 6:45

He didn't have a car so he took the bus, it took longer than expected, probably because the bus had to stop a lot so he noted to leave 10 minutes earlier

He got out and ran to the huge building to see it was still closed.. "Huh?.. I thought he said 7" Felix took out his phone and called back the number Hyunjin called from but got no answer

Felix sigh as he looked at Jeongin number I can't call him, he's probably asleep Felix took off his phone as he sat on the ground waiting for anyone to appear

He waited and waited until a car pulled up in the car park is that him? Felix heart started beating really fast

"Oh who are u?" A woman said coming out of the car

"Oh I'm Felix, I'm going to be working with Hyunjin" Felix said bowing at her ahh stupid heart!!

"Working? He didn't say anything about that"

"Oh well Channie got me the job"

"Channie? I guess you guys are close...am...ok I'll let you in" she said as he took out the keys and opened the door

Felix sat in the lounge while he looked at the women fix up her desk "uh where's Hyunjin?" Felix asked

"Oh he comes at 8"

"8! But he said to come 7 sharp"

"No one comes at 7, I'm the receptionist so i come 15 minutes early to set up my desk and open the doors" the woman said moving around some papers

I was waiting for 45 minutes!? Felix facepalm feeling embarrassed

"Are u a model?" She asked

"What? No, I'm Hyunjin's....I don't really know what position I'm in...I think I'm just his servant"

"That's called his secretary, sweetheart"

Felix chuckled "yeah I guess, but instead of doing his paperwork I'll be following him around and helping him with personal stuff"

"Oh, I didn't think Hyunjin would let anyone work with him so closely"

"Ha, do he let anyone work with him?..or date him?" Felix said mumbling the last part

He did this on purpose didn't he? What did I do to deserve this?


I accidentally publish chapter 14 and I felt bad so I decided to publish this one now so yeah (^^)

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