💙 Chapter 10💙

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Felix held Kkami while Hyunjin drove, the dog just angrily stared at Felix but luckily he didn't attack him

Who let their dog on their white car seat!? Felix thought

They got back at the company and everyone was UwU at Kkami, and Kkami didn't bark or stare at anyone the way he looked at Felix

"Kkami, my little baby how are u?" A woman said

'bark bark' Kkami said wagging his tail

Felix stood in the lobby watching a group of women baby talk to the dog in his hand

"Kkami wanna play?" Another woman said holding a ball in her hands "put him down"

"I don't think that's a good-"

"I said put him down, he obviously doesn't like u" Felix scoffed, he looked at Hyunjin to see he was busy talking to someone "fine" he put him down

"Kkami fetch!" She said throwing the ball around the lobby

Kkami ran and got the ball, he brought it back like a good dog. The women give him a treat and threw the ball again. The ball bounce and rolled out the door through someone's leg

"Kkami! No come back!" The group of women shouted

Hyunjin head flew back hearing his dog name being called, he saw Kkami chasing a ball in the middle of the street "Kkami!!" He yelled as he ran outside

He stopped by the door and saw that Felix already ran out

Felix made his way on the street and grab Kkami and rolled to the other side

"Are u ok?"

"You're not hurt right?"

"That was amazing"

People said as they surrounded Felix laying on the ground with the dog on top his chest "yeah I'm fine" he said getting up

Hyunjin came over and smiled as he pat Felix's head "thanks" he said sighing in relief

"You're welcome" he said feeling his heart beat by Hyunjin's touch

People started clapping as Felix and Hyunjin walked away, they got back in and no one made eye contact with Hyunjin, too afraid he might fire them on spot

While they were heading back to the office Kkami didn't want to leave Felix side, knowing this human saved him he felt safe

"Kkami wanna come by me?" Hyunjin said but got no response

Felix smiled "do u want so stay with me?"

'Bark bark' he said excitedly

Felix laughed seeing that Hyunjin got all pouty "hehe I think he likes me now"

"I'm jealous but u did save him so I'll let u take that"

The entered and saw the secretary standing in the office "Hyunjin, Ateez said the party is changed for tonight"

"What! They could of said that in advance" Hyunjin sigh "call Seungmin and tell him to get my suit ready" he turned to Felix "go by Seungmin he'll get you ready for tonight"

Felix nodded as he put down Kkami but he started barking nonstop "bye bye Kkami"

'Bark! Bark! Bark!'

Hyunjin held Kkami so Felix could leave

*Felix pov*

He went to the sixth floor and found Seungmin "ah my favorite model is here" Seungmin said

"Don't say that people might actually believe I'm a model" Felix said shyly

"Hun I don't have to say it for people to think it" Felix smiled "this is your first party with the big guys so I gotta make yh look better than u already are"

"Stopppp it~"

Seungmin made Felix put on a black turtleneck sweater because he's going as a friend he can't wear suit while accompanying Hyunjin

After changing he sat down and Seungmin started doing his make up and he did the opposite of what Felix said to do "alright I'm done" he gave Felix a mirror

"I said to cover up my freckles"

"I didn't want to so I made them even more noticeable and they look amazing with your blue eyes"

"What would people think?"

" 'Wow that guy is cute' "  Seungmin said out loud

"No they won't!"

"Yes they will"

"No they won't"

"Yes they WILL"






"Wow u look cute" Jisung said as he approached them

"U see!!" Felix wanted to say something back but he kinda lost "I need to get Hyunjin ready so I'll be back" he said and then left

"What was that about?" Jisung said as he followed Felix who stood up

"I don't know he's just weird"

"U look good tho, gimme your phone" Felix did and then suddenly he took out a picture. Felix reacted and turned away but Jisung was laughing and smiling at how the picture came out

 Felix reacted and turned away but Jisung was laughing and smiling at how the picture came out

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"U freaking turned away and the picture still came out good!" He yelled

Felix took the phone away but he couldn't lie he looked really good, he felt more confident and comfortable "I hope Hyunjin likes it too" he thought

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