💙 Chapter 12💙

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After Wooyoung introduce Felix to his husband, Choi San, Felix had to go back to Hyunjin but as he was walking towards him a guy blocked his part

"Hi, I'm Daehyun Wang, from the Reiss modeling agency, I saw that u came with Mr. Hwang are u his secretary?" The strange man asked

"Yes... sorta"

"That's great, I want u to be a model under my agency, I'll double the amount of money Mr. Hwang is paying u"

Felix laughed awkwardly "no it's ok-"

"I'll triple it"

"No, no I can't-"

"Please! Your face would be perfect for our magazine" the wasn't giving up and it made Felix feel uneasy. Suddenly the guy held Felix's shoulder

"Sir, y-you're hurting me" Felix said


"What's going on here?" Hyunjin said "get your hands off him" he grab the guy hand and pushed it away, everyone's attention was now on them

Daehyun fixed his suit as he stood up straight "Mr. Hwang"

"How dare u put your hands on him" Hyunjin said walking closer but Felix held him back

"Hyunjin stop it, let's go" Felix whispered but Hyunjin was really mad

"Felix let go" he said with a deep voice which made Felix tremble

"Woah woah what's going on here?" Hongjoong said as he came between the pair

"Mr. Kim I'm so sorry but we have to leave" Felix then got Hyunjin out the door before he did something to the guy

They got in the car and drove off
"Why did u stop me!" Hyunjin yelled

"Because u were this close to starting a fight"

"He put his hands on u, of course I would!"

"It's not like he did it intentionally, and why are u so mad about it?" Hyunjin was silent, he couldn't say he was mad because someone hands were on his soulmate... It sounded like they were in a relationship but the worst part is it sounded like he like him

"Do I like him?...No of course not! I said I won't fall for the person my eyes chooses but why, he's so different to what I expected" Hyunjin had so much mixed emotions, some parts of him say love and the others say hate and somewhere in between he's sad and angry

Hyunjin decided not to say anything, it had a button that made the screen between Hyunjin and driver go down "drop Felix home first" he then turn to Felix "where do u live?"

After Felix told him the driver took him home. The hold ride Felix didn't say a word to Hyunjin who was trying to strike up a conversation. The car stop in front his apartment building
"Good nig-"

Felix got out and closed the door without letting Hyunjin finish, Hyunjin sigh thinking he probably deserved it

"He closed the door on u?" Chan said surprised

"Yeah" Hyunjin said in a flat tone as he sat on Chan's couch

"Wooow so where u hide the body?"


"U know after u killed him..U didn't kill him!! Oooo Mr. Hwang is getting soft, I see" Chan said playfully

Hyunjin glared at him "I'm not going soft, I know he's mad at me so I decided not to say anything"

"Ok if u say so" Chan then sat next to Hyunjin "what Daehyun said to Felix?"

"Oh I forgot to ask"

"What's his problem either way, he's second ranking but that doesn't mean it's our fault"

"Well he was trending best company for 3 years straight and we just came and took it away from him in less than a year so can't blame him" Hyunjin rolled his eyes "he's pathetic, I hate people like that"

Chan eyed Hyunjin, where the fuck that dark aura came from!? Chan thought, a little scary by Hyunjin's presences

Suddenly a notification went off on Hyunjin's phone, he checked it and-

Suddenly a notification went off on Hyunjin's phone, he checked it and-

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NotSorryI'mDirty: Going out to clear my head 😣 apparently some jackass pissed me off

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NotSorryI'mDirty: Going out to clear my head 😣 apparently some jackass pissed me off

Hyunjin immediately stood up "Where the fuck he thinks he's going at night!?" He shouted

"What?" Chan said confused, Hyunjin didn't explain and just left

"It's fucking 10:46! Is he with someone? Ahh why am I worried about that" Hyunjin thought, he pulled out his phone and texted Felix but no reply so he called Chan to let him ask Felix and of course he got a reply

As Chan told Hyunjin where Felix were he quickly got a taxi. He kept asking himself why he is so worried? " 'He could just be taking a walk' yeah that's true 'what if a creepy guy is following him?' ah shit I wonder! 'No he's probably relaxing, u don't know if he even wants to see your face' you're right, what if he tells me to go away" he was having a full on conversation in his head and didn't realize he was already there

Before Hyunjin got out the taxi the driver turned around and said "I don't know why you're going to the pond this late at night son but be careful"

"Yes of course, thank you for your concern" Hyunjin said showing a small bow to the old guy as he got out


So sorry for all the notifications
(• ▽ •;)

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