💙 Chapter 9💙

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Bambam laughed as the recording stop "wow your boss is...something"

"I know, he's difficult to handle"

"Before I go to make your order while u wait do u think u could try out my new dessert?"

"Oh my god, YES!" He said excitedly, forgetting Hyunjin's rules

Bambam smiled, he told Felix to sit at a table and he'll bring the dessert over "here u go, it's a lemon cake with a little spice"

"Ooo sound fancy" Bambam left and Felix immediately took a fork and ate his first bite

Felix eyes lit up, it was so good!! He took out his phone and took out a picture and posted it up on Instagram

After getting Hyunjin's food he wave Bambam goodbye and left feeling butterflies in his stomach again I can't like him...I have a soulmate (who doesn't like me back) but still my soulmate

Felix somehow wants to be with his soulmate but Bambam is so kind and nice he can't help but get butterflies

Let's just say he likes me, and we go out and then his eyes change color and he leaves me for his soulmate, I'll be rejected two times, my heart can't handle that Felix thought while on the ride back, Bambam's eyes are black so if he finds his soulmate he might leave Felix

He sigh thinking there's no way he could be with anyone else but his soulmate

He got up to the top floor and entered Hyunjin office to see him leaning on his desk with an angry face


"I told u not to take anything from anyone" he said in a pissed off tone

How did he- "I promise I didn't" Felix lied

"Oh really?" Hyunjin took out his phone and showed Felix his latest Instagram post

"Oh really?" Hyunjin took out his phone and showed Felix his latest Instagram post

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NotSorryI'mDirty: Sooo delicious 🤤 #Bamtreats

"Ohhh, I...*sigh * ok what?! He asked me to try it and I did"

Hyunjin clench his jaw "your boss told u something so I expect u to follow"

"U could boss me around when I'm with u but when I'm by myself I'll do what I want, ok?" Felix didn't meant for it to come out so sassy but it did and it didn't went well with Hyunjin

Hyunjin walked up to Felix and tightly held his arm "fine then, I'll buy a nice collar and tie u in my office and let's see if u try to do your own thing"

Their faces was inches apart, Felix feeling Hyunjin's dominance just by being held by him but Felix wasn't gonna let his sad excuse of a soulmate dominate him "oh that's some kinky shit right there, are you going to make me bark too?" Felix said pouting

Hyunjin was speechless, he stood there like an idiot picturing that dirty scene what the fuck is wrong with me!?

Suddenly an alarm went off on Felix's phone "it's time to get your dog"

"I'm coming" Hyunjin said

"Why- ok whatever, let's go"

They left and got into Hyunjin's expensive mercedes benz car, that was all black but the inside was all white and expensive

Felix felt uncomfortable sitting, too afraid he might ruin it

"Sit your ass down" Hyunjin yelled

"Ok jeez" Felix got in and they left

The car ride was... really awkward, they didn't talk but Felix caught Hyunjin looking at him he's probably mad 😣 Felix thought but it was for a told different reason

I wonder how he'll look with a collar on...AHHH what am I thinking!! that's what Hyunjin was thinking so he stole a few glances from Felix (dirty bish)

They got to the vet that was 20 minutes away but felt like it was an hour..... an a half.. that's how awkward it was

Hyunjin walked in and immediately a short dog came up to him barking nonstop "Kkami excited to see me?" Hyunjin said also excited to see his dog

*Bark bark*

Felix came from behind "aww he's cute"

The dog just stood there staring into Felix soul, staring staring staring "ah what is happening?" Felix said a little frighten

"He notice u and the dog's dad have a connection so he feels threatened by u" a lady who works at the vet said

"Oh" he looked at Hyunjin who wasn't making eye contact with him "what if we don't have one, do he just hate me?"

"I don't think so just let him get to know you" the lady bowed and left

The dog knows I'm Hyunjin's soulmate but Hyunjin himself can't see that Felix thought

"Uh.. let's leave then" Hyunjin said feeling awkward because of the whole conversation but try not to care

They got in the car and immediately the dog started barking because Felix was in the front seat and not him "I'll just go in the back"

"No, how about u hold him so he gets to know u better, you're going to have to take care of him so just get to know him now" Hyunjin said but it wasn't as easy as he thinks, like who would try to hold a dog that absolutely hates you

"I'm gonna get bitten"

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