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Let's end gender inequality

Respect must start within ourselves,
If that happens, we'll be like dominos of books from different shelves,
Men and women are all equal,
Respect everyone's boundaries yes, we shall,

Never judge her because of her own perspectives,
Just wait for her to fulfill all of her objectives,
She's doing great no matter how slow the progress, 
Life must be cruel sometimes, but she's still blessed.

Don't you ever belittle his abilities,
He's still breathing despite of the hard responsibilities,
He's a man of a few words and gratifying actions,
His heart is full of hope and motivations.

In the eyes of our creator, we're all equitable,
Don't ever tell that she or he is unable—
to perform his duties in the society,
Stop gender discrimination, hypocrisy, let's all end gender inequality.

This poem is dedicated to:Virgouxxe

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