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To my mom,

She's a tree that never falls,
When I see her smile, my heart bounce like balls,
I admire her for being strong and unbreakable,
She showered me lessons in life, indeed a knowledgeable.

She taught me how to read when I was four,
When I reached seven, I dreamed about becoming an author,
She told me, life's about dreaming,
If you failed, don't be afraid to start a new beginning.

I got her three moles near to her eyebrows,
We also loved to watch the same television shows,
We have similar birth marks on both ankles,
I got the majority from her, in any angles.

When I reached my teenage years, she was there clapping for me,
Never get tired of celebrating every single and simple victory,
I promised myself, I'll love her, forever,
The one and only love of my life, she's my mother.

This poem is dedicated to: SamaeLibz

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